Sentiment Analysis of Letters

using the AFINN Lexicon Score

Below are three letter examples from DSL, their .pdf, .txt and the AFINN score

oberlin May71 Dec74.pdf
Oberlin May 71 Dec 74 Corrected Christmas Prayer
AFINN Sentiment Analysis Oberlin Christmas Prayer
Wakeman Oct63-April64 Pg5-6pdf.pdf
Wakeman Oct63-April64 Pg 5-6 Corrected.docx
AFINN Sentiment Analysis Wakeman - Oct 63-April 64 (page 5-6)
smith Jan38 Jun 40 pg1&2.pdf
Smith Jan38 Jun40 pg 1-2 correction.docx
AFINN Sentiment Analysis Smith Christmas Letter Collection Jan.docx

Using these three letters I have used a pivot chart and plugged in the Positive and Negative scores from the AFINN Lexicon. By looking at this chart you can see that there are both positive and negative emotions. Of these three the range of positive emotions show greater than the negative.