Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design

AI System design with hardware-friendly algorithm

- Low-bit AI Framework for on-device personalization & quantized MAC operating system design

- A low-cost convergence monitoring system for computation skip in DNN training

- Seungkyu Choi, Jaekang Shin, Yeongjae Choi, and Lee-Sup Kim, "An Optimized Design Technique of Low-bit Neural Network Training for Personalization on IoT Devices," ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2019.

- Seungkyu Choi, Jaekang Shin, and Lee-Sup Kim, "A Convergence Monitoring Method for DNN Training of On-device Task Adaptation," IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2021.

Algorithm-Hardware co-design for efficient dnn processing

The proposed algorithmic scheme for multi-task DNN reduces per-task weight and activation size by sharing those data between tasks. We design architecture and dataflow to minimize DRAM access by fully utilizing the benefits.

Jaekang Shin, Seungkyu Choi, Jongwoo Ra, and Lee-Sup Kim, "Algorithm/Architecture Co-Design for Energy-Efficient Acceleration of Multi-Task DNN," ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2022.