Data Systems meet Data Science Workshop

Montréal, October 28 2022 

DSDS editions:


The first edition of the Montréal Data Systems meet Data Science workshop brings together the Montreal Systems community with an interest in Data Science, Data Systems, and AI. The vision is to interact, to get to know the work that is being done in the community, and to exchange experiences. Technical presentations from guest speakers in industry and academia will be augmented with poster and demo sessions from students, as well as time and space for discussions.

The workshop will take place at Concordia University and is co-organized by Bettina Kemme, Essam Mansour, and Oana Balmau.

Important Information

Keynote Speaker

Talk title: On the Need for Systems Know-how in Large-scale Machine Learning and Vice Versa


Talk title: Identify Event Causality with Knowledge and Analogy

Talk title: Machine Learning for Cybersecurity and Privacy

Talk title: 5G and Beyond to Enable Context-Aware and Robust ML-based Cybersecurity

Talk title: Linked Data Science and System Challenges

Talk title: Data quality and model under-specification issues

Talk title: In-database Analytics

Talk title: Managing data throughout the ML product lifecycle

Talk title: Storage Benchmarking in ML

Talk title: High Performance Approximate Nearest Neighbor Query for Big Data


Talk title: Learning-based Resource Provision for Large-scale Cloud Services

Panel Discussion

Blindspots at the Intersection of Data Science and Data Systems

Panel moderator: Oana Balmau


8:30  AM Doors Open

8:45  AM Welcome!

9:00  AM Keynote Talk: Doina Precup: On the Need for Systems Know-how in Large-scale Machine Learning and Vice Versa

10:00 AM Break

10:15 AM Talks session 1 (session chair: Oana Balmau)

11:45 AM Lunch, Posters & Demos @ Concordia

1:45 PM Talks session 2 (session chair: Essam Mansour)

2:45  PM Break

3:00  PM Talks session 3 (session chair: Essam Mansour)

4:00  PM Break

4:15  PM Panel discussion (panel moderator: Oana Balmau)

5:30  PM Closing remarks

Important Dates

Demos and Posters 

Workshop day: October 28th, 2022

Registration: Contact us if you are interested in participating!   Event registration is now closed