

The calendar below indicates all the events for the whole of North America and our University specifically.

Upcoming events

None - will be updated in Sept 2022

Past events

BigQuery hands-on Workshop with a Google Customer Engineer

Join Google Customer Engineer Sireesha Pulipati for a hands-on workshop showcasing how you can use BigQuery in your hackathon projects. Projects and solutions are built upon data. Analyzing data effectively and efficiently is step one in solving the world’s needs in your next project.

Google Maps & JavaScript

Mike Pegg, Head of Geo Developer Relations at Google, will discuss what's new in Google Maps. Learn how you can use the newest features to optimize your maps for various use cases, branding, and more!

Open Source Gaming

Join the hosts April Kyle Nassi and Mark Mandel on Between the Brackets.

This month's episode, we talk about open source software in the gamedev scene—why it's important, what developers can gain from supporting open source, tips for participating in open source projects, and more

Introducing Firebase Part 1 - Hosting with Firebase

This introductory series aims to familiarize you with Firebase and demonstrate all of its incredible tools and services

Canada Hacking Weekend

The competition will include a number of challenges in different categories varying from basic to hard level to test their practical knowledge.

Google Cloud AI in Digital Journalism

Kalev Leetaru, founder of the GDELT Project to chat about how they use Google Cloud's AI APIs and analytic tools (like BigQuery) to catalog and understand the world in real time!

Navigating the Tech Path- This is our story

Daniel, Madusha and Kyle talk about their path to a career in Tech.

Ask Me Anything special session with Careera: Personal Branding

Learnt the idea of personal branding and ways to build and maintain a strong brand presence.


Alex Castillo shares how Neurosity empowers the mind with JavaScript and AI.

Cloud Hero Prep Event 1

Took a tour of Qwiklabs (which will be used in the Cloud Hero event) and learnt SQL.

Cloud Hero Prep Event 2

Continued learning about Qwiklabs and SQL

Cloud Hero Prep Event 3

Learnt about BigQuery and built a Logistic Regression Model in BQML.

Cloud Study Jam - Baseline Infrastructure

We learned how to design and plan cloud architecture solution.

Beginner Flutter Workshop - Part 3

We built a Love Calculator App using our knowledge from the first 2 workshops.

Machine Learning Bootcamp

We learnt a lot of Machine Learning concepts from this Bootcamp

Cloud Study Jam - Essentials

We learned how to get started with many Google Cloud technologies.

Beginner Flutter Workshop - Part 2

We built a Favorite Celebrity App using the skills we learned in the first workshop.

Fireside Chat with John Hennessy

We had an amazing discussion with Alphabet Chairman John Hennessy.

Beginner Flutter Workshop - Part 1

We were given a brief introduction to Flutter, a cross-platform mobile app framework

Peer-to-Peer Internship Panel

We attended a panel where DSC's tell us how they landed internships at top tech companies

Virtual Machine Learning Summit

We attended googles summit on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

First Meeting

We hosted our first info session on 09/07/2020.

Event Link

Linkedin Workshop

Through this session, we learned how to use LinkedIn to boost our connections and your profile outreach.


Creation of Core Team

Recruiting members as well as creation of the Core Team.