Prof. Dong-Soo Choi

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 ■ Research Interests

Immersive VR/AR, Haptics, Transparent pressure sensor, 3D Touch sensor, Vibrotactile actuator, Focus-tunable lens  

■ Status

Assistant Professor (2022.3 - Present) at Kumoh National Insitute of Technology

Professional Experience

Assistant Professor (2020.9 - 2022. 02) at Semyung University

 ■ Education

Ph.D. (2015.3 - 2020.8) in Interdisciplinary Program in Creative Engineering, Graduate School, Korea University of Technology and Education

Advisor: Prof. Sang-Youn Kim

M.S (2013 - 2015) in Department of Computer Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea

Advisor: Prof. Sang-Youn Kim

B.S (2007 - 2013) in School of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea 

Advisor: Prof. Sang-Youn Kim 

 ■ Publications

 ■ Awards and Grants

한국햅틱스학술대회 우수시연상 2023 

한국소프트웨어종합학술대회 우수논문상 2022 

최우수학위논문상 고용노동부 장관상 (박사) 2021

우수학위논문상 (석사) 2013

The best demo award, World Haptics Conference 2013

■ Activities

2023 제 1회 한국햅틱스학술대회, 학생경연위원 (2023)

한국햅틱스학회, 총무/기획 이사 (2023~ )


Mobile Information Systems (2022)

IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2021~2022)

Applied Sciences-Basel (2021)

 ■ Technical & Special Skills

Languages: English and Korean

Instruments: Impedance analyzer, Dielectric interface, LCR meter, Universal testing machine, Laser scanning vibrometer, and Accelerometer

Modeling: Solidworks, Keyshot, 3Ds Max

Virtual Environment: Unity 3D, Unreal 3 & 4,  

Programming : C, C++, and C#

Etc. : Microcontroller (ARM, Arduino, and Mbed)