
We would like to explore the minimal perturbations required for each of the DS+J subfields to start developing a joint agenda. Specifically, the goal of the DS+J workshop is to identify different research angles at the intersection of data science and journalism, with topics spanning from analyzing the data of a news source (e.g., Panama papers) to analyzing public discourse (e.g., reactions to a specific piece of news). Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Computational journalism and data science tools for journalists
    • Data journalism
    • Data visualization for news
    • Data-driven storytelling
    • Journalism for social good
    • Fact checking
    • Curation and annotation
  • Analysis of news and media
    • Fake news
    • Opinion mining
    • Argument mining
    • Computational propaganda
    • Discourse analysis and the role of news in political discourse
    • Epochs and styles of journalism
    • Effect of technology/digitalization/social media on news
    • Pay models for news media
  • Personalization and news recommendations
    • Filter bubbles
    • Algorithmic accountability
    • Dissemination of news through social media
    • News summarization and timeline generation
  • Advanced news applications
    • Virtual reality for journalism
    • Drones as journalistic tool
    • Automated story writing and robot journalism