2nd Smart City Data Analytics: Applications and Implications
in conjunction with DSAA 2024
Smart-city technologies can help urban planners make informed decisions about how to improve services and infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of life for citizens. City planners can gain insights into numerous areas of the city and improve services by analyzing data from a variety of sources, including sensors, social media, and citizen comments. Cities need to invest in these technologies to ensure sustainable and efficient development. The call for ideas invites academics and practitioners to submit proposals for smart city data analysis and applications.
The workshop will also include:
Keynote speech given by a renowned researcher on the topic of Smart City Data Analytics
Birds-of-a-feather discussions, in groups aligned with the workshop themes
Poster/Work-in-progress papers
Journal Publication: A selected set of top-quality papers may be invited to submit full papers to a special issue.
Best Paper: All the regular papers will be considered for the BEST PAPER AWARD
News & Announcement
March 30: Workshop Proposal Accepted.
May 2: Paper Deadline