Project Overview


Course projects are carried out in groups of 1 to 3 (larger groups are better). You can choose a project with focus on implementation or original research:

Development track:

  1. contribute to the project by developing a known matching algorithm and visualizing the process step-by-step. For potential projects, please look into solutions available on and contact the instructor with your ideas.

  2. Open-source contribution: contributing to our open-source project on fair allocation. For a list of algorithms, see Section 1 of this GitHub project.

Original research track:

  1. Empirical: Implementation and quantitative analysis of algorithms presented in class using simulation (synthetic) or real data.

  2. Theoretical/algorithmic: Develop new models for a problem, prove new observations about algorithms and/or design new algorithms for a problem.

Project Details

  • Project proposal (due March 17): Ideally 1 page but up to 2 pages (excluding references)

  • Final report (due May 4): Up to 5 pages (excluding references)


  • Homework 0: Due Jan 18

  • Homework 1: Due Feb 10

  • Homework 2: Due Feb 24

Homework assignments and other details can be found on the course Canvas page!