High School Matriculation & Attendance based on Average Household Income of Neighbourhood

Analyze NYC Schools data (Overall Score, Graduation Rates, Attendance, Enrollment) with the socioeconomic of neighbouring areas in which the school resides and reference this data for the year 2010-11



Citizen's Committee for Children - https://data.cccnewyork.org/

NYC Open Data - https://opendata.cityofnewyork.us/

School Progress Reports (2010-11)

Peer indexes & Overall Scores are calculated differently depending on School Level. Schools are only compared to other schools in the same School Level.

(e.g., Elementary, K-8, Middle, High, Transfer)


Average Household Incomes by School District (2010)

Average Household Incomes (USD) calculated for each school district for the year 2010. Incomes were segregated in All Households, Families, Families with Children, Families without Children etc. based on School Districts.


School Attendance & Enrollment by School District (2010-11)

Attendance and Enrollment statistics broken down by School District.


Graduation Rates by School District (2011)

Graduation Rates of students passed out from 2011, graduated after 4 & 6 years respectively.


Tools Used

Pandas : Data Pre processing, Correlation. [pandas.pydata.org]

Pandasql : Aggregating Data [github.com/yhat/pandasql]

Plotly : Geo Spatial Visualization [plotly.com]

Colaboratory: Python Notebook for Data Science Project [research.google.com/colaboratory]