Boost your confidence with breast reduction 

What is breast reduction: Breast reduction surgery is also called mammoplasty. This surgery removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin. Breast reduction aims to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body.

Breast Reduction consideration:

Before undergoing breast reduction surgery, there are several important things to consider and discuss with your doctor:

·         Risks and complications: Breast reduction surgery is a major surgical procedure and carries risks such as bleeding, infection, and changes in nipple sensation.


·         Breastfeeding: Breast reduction surgery can affect your ability to breastfeed in the future.


Benefits of breast reduction surgery:

 Some of the benefits of breast reduction surgery include:


·         Alleviation of Physical Discomfort: Women with excessively large breasts often experience physical discomfort.


·         Improved Posture: Women with large breasts often have poor posture due to the weight of their breasts pulling them forward.


·         Improved Self-esteem: Women with large breasts may feel self-conscious about their appearance and feel embarrassed or uncomfortable in social situations.



·         Reduced Risk of Skin Irritation and Infection: Women with large breasts may experience skin irritation and infection due to the weight and moisture under the breast.



Surgery cost and insurance coverage:

Breast reduction surgery can be an effective option for individuals who experience discomfort, pain, or other issues due to excessively large breasts. However, the cost of the procedure can vary significantly depending on various factors such as geographic location, surgeon's experience, and facility fees. Insurance coverage for breast reduction surgery in Delhi may be available, but it largely depends on the individual's specific health insurance plan and their reasons for undergoing the procedure. Some insurance companies may cover the cost of breast reduction surgery if it is deemed medically necessary, but it may require documentation of related health issues and prior authorization.