

There are several Druidic orders on Earth, such as the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA) and the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD). However, the ancient Druids have passed into the Otherworld and currently reside there, except for those that have reincarnated and exist in the Earthly plane potentially unaware of their connection to Druidry. We imagine what the druids might be like in the Otherworld here.

The Druids are a peaceful people. They serve as advisors to the human kings in Fae and consultants to the queens and kings of the other races in Fae. Their advice is highly prized, and they are viewed as wise beings. 

Druidic Communities

Druids live in close knit communities in deep connection with nature. They live in ornate domed homes made of thick stone that penetrate into the ground to make a spherical type structure with half the structure visible on the surface. Their homes and community gathering places are constructed in alignment with the natural energetic structures of the Earth, such as energetic ley lines and sacred energy formations. 

Similar to their time on Earth, the Druids are scholars, scientists, priests, and judges in Fae society. They study nature to learn its secrets and utilize their findings in a natural magic that moves with the rhythm of nature. They pay close attention to astrological configurations and utilize the natural energy of the universe to charge objects with spiritual energy. For example, during the summer and winter solstices, they perform rituals to imbue crystals and artifacts with the masculine and feminine energy available at that time, respectively. 

Druid Magic

Since the Druids are not native to Fae like the Elves, Fairies, and Dragons, they do not have natural magic. They have to work to develop their magical abilities and tune themselves to nature in order to understand the universal flow and how that impacts the energetic configuration of objects and artifacts. For them, the universal flow is a literal energetic configuration that rains down throughout the universe. When this energy flows, it cascades through the planets and stars like a river cascading through rocks, and it acquires different configurations as a result of the unique alignment of the planets and stars. 

The Druids study these astrological configurations to determine when it is appropriate to magically imbue objects with certain types of energies. Once an object is magically imbued with a given type of energy, it retains its magical energy for a period of time that is a function of the strength of the magical working. In this manner, objects can become aids in the everyday life and spiritual journey of the Druids, such as helping in the healing, stamina and strength, clarity of thought, focused attention, access to additional cognitive capacities, telepathy, telekinesis, and even promoting love and friendly relations. 

Druidic Skills

The Druids are master storytellers, which aligns with the Bardic tradition that they began on Earth. They interweave the history of their people and of other peoples on Earth and Fae into their stories in order to preserve and proliferate their culture. They are also seers and practice divination to predict future potential timelines. The seers train themselves to have visions, which relay certain states of affairs in both the past and future. Certain substances are used to help induce visions, but are not necessarily required for the individual to have visions. For this reason, the Druids are often consulted by other races in Fae for their ability to divine the future. 

Druidry is a life philosophy of scientific inquiry and investigation into humans, society, and technology. It is a personal quest for knowledge and gnosis. Rigorous study and experiential knowledge form the basis for the Druid to create a new scientific paradigm that can be applied to every domain of scientific inquiry. While the Druid may only work out one or several domain applications, it should be possible for others to apply the theory consistently in other domains. Druidry is based in both science and spirituality, using the latest scientific theories of nature, cognition, and magic to create a theory of life, living, and peaceful interactions.