Project I: Design & Development of Artificial Intelligence framework using Data Analytics for Detection of Chronic Illness from Retinal Images
Sponsored by MeitY, Govt. of India

Developed a non-invasive method for diagnosing chronic illnesses using fundus images with the latest state-of-the-art data analytics tools and artificial intelligence techniques funded by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). The project has three major modules:

Project II: Development of Stream Data Analytics Framework for Precision Farming using IoT/ UAV (Sponsored by MeitY, Govt. of India)

The project has following major components: 

Project III: Artificial Intelligence based low-cost solution for diagnosis of respiratory health system through audiometric analysis (Sponsored by CDAC, Mohali)

I have worked as a CO-PI  in this project that aims to develop an AI speech processing framework that leverages acoustic biomarker feature extractors to identify cough signatures for Covid-19, Tuberculosis, and other pulmonary diseases using cough recordings that can provide real-time results. 

The solution will be delivered in the form of a low-cost AI-driven speech processing handheld device to enable mass "do it yourself" without intervention from overburdened health professionals.