BioMeDHs Lab

(Laboratory of Bio-Medical Materials and Devices for Human Sustainability)

Job Openings

Our lab is looking for highly motivated postdoctoral research associates, Ph. D., M. Tech. and B. Tech. students. Members of the lab will get an opportunity to work on highly translatable biomedical materials and devices and will contribute to solve some of the very important issues of human sustainability. Interested candidates can send their CV along with one page write-up about their interests in the field of biomaterials, biomedical devices and/or novel methods in cancer therapy to the given email address: 

Principal Investigator

Dr. Santosh Kumar Misra

Associate Professor

Ramalingaswamy Fellow

Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016, India

Phone: 91-512-259-4013 (office)

Fax: 91-512-259-4010


National/International Science Media and Media Coverage 

From IIT Kanpur19) Bio-Degradable Carbonoid Metabolite Nanoparticles (BioDCM-NPs) for crop protection@,from%20fungal%20and%20bacterial%20infections. 
From UIUC18) Researchers publish paper on removing PPCPs from water@  17) Color-changing sensor detects signs of eye damage in tears@  16) Novel nanoparticle-based approach detects and treats oral plaque without drugs@   15) Researchers discover method to deliver herbal supplement curcumin to cancer cells by solving its insolubility@  14) Drug-delivering nanoparticles seek and destroy elusive cancer stem cells@  13) iSEE Researchers Develop New Powder to Combat Oil Spills in Bodies of Water@  12) Luminescence switchable carbon nanodots follow intracellular trafficking and drug delivery@ 11) Another step closer to artificial blood@ 10) BIOE researchers quantify drug delivery from nanoparticles inside a cell@ 9) Nanotechnology-based approach to repair the cancer cell suicide mechanism@ 8) Naturally, Nano-CarboScavenger Technology is Enviro-Friendly: Meet Santosh Misra  7) Portable device can quickly determine the extent of an eye injury@ 6) Tiny drug-laden "popping bubbles" lead triple attack treatment for liver cancer@'popping+bubbles'+lead+triple+attack+treatment+for+liver+cancer 5) Biomedical breakthrough: Carbon nanoparticles you can make at home@ 4) Illinois Scholar Undergraduate Research Program News@ 3) Venom gets good buzz as potential cancer fighter@ From IISc2) Twist in the tale to improve gene therapy    1) Cholesterol-wrapped gene carrier @  

Contact us

Santosh K. Misra

Associate ProfessorDept of Biological Sciences and BioengineeringIndian Institute of Technology, Kanpur208016 (Uttar Pradesh)Email: Tel: (91) 512-259-4013Fax: (91) 512-259-4010