Conference Talks

1. Presented a talk on “Zipper Rational Quadratic Fractal Interpolation Functions”, International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, 6-9 February 2019, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India.

2. Presented a talk on “Bernstein Fractal Polynomial Approximation”, International Workshop and Conference on Topology and Applications, 5-11 December, 2018, Rajagiri School School of Engineering and Technology, Kochin, India.

3. Presented a talk on “Fractal Functions with Variable Scaling”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 23-25 October, 2018, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India.

4. Presented a talk on “Parameter Identification of Constrained Data by a New Class of Rational Fractal Function”, International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, 17-21 January 2017, Haldia Institute of Technology, India.

5. Presented a talk on “Fractal Approximants on the Circle”, The 10th International Conference on Chaotic Modeling and Simulation, 30 May-2 June, 2017, Barcelona, Spain.

6. Attended International Conference on Applications of Fractals and Wavelets, 10-11 January 2015, Amrita School of Engineering, India.