Hair Fall Treatment For Summer

Hair Fall Treatment For Summer

Hot, sunny days are the time for outdoor activities, but this sunshine also brings loads of challenges for hair health. And due to increased exposure to the sun, humidity, and other factors, issues like hair thinning, excessive hair fall, and baldness occur. Poor quality hair, along with different stages of baldness, is distressing and damages self-esteem. In today’s era, hair fall is not worrisome. With the help of a skin expert and the proper hair loss treatment, anyone can get freedom from physical appearance-damaging situations. 

Regarding the most effective hair fall treatment for summer, this blog has taken reference from Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili - a renowned skin expert for hair fall treatment in Hyderabad.

What is Seasonal Hair Fall

Hair loss is a common medical condition typically due to stress, anxiety, and hormonal imbalance. Along with unhealthy lifestyles, stress, and anxiety, climate change also plays a crucial role in hair loss. And seasonal hair fall in summer due to overexposure to sunlight, dehydration, excessive release of natural skin oil, and ignorance of hair care. Seasonal hair fall is temporary and can become permanent in the absence of proper hair care. 

In order to prevent hair damage from seasonal changes, people are advised to take care of their hair and scalp, which includes protecting their hair from the sun during the summer. 

Tips on preventing hair from seasonal hair fall are below:

If the person experiences excessive hair fall or is concerned more about the hair's health, it's advisable to seek professional help. Trained dermatologists can assess such conditions by identifying underlying causes and recommending appropriate treatments. Treatments for seasonal hair fall are listed below:

Topical Medication 


When addressing hair loss, it is a safer therapeutic option. This procedure injects a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, some medicines, and other elements essential for hair growth and development into the mesoderm of the scalp's skin. These components support nourishing the hair follicles, which thickens, strengthens, and stops future hair loss.

Microneedling with Growth Factors

For patients with androgenetic alopecia, growth factor therapy and microneedling therapy work best together. As it contains natural growth factors and proteins, growth factor hair therapy aids in effectively regenerating hair cells, thereby promoting hair growth. 

The patient's blood sample is used to create the growth factor solution after it has been processed in a centrifuge to separate the blood's constituent parts and isolated for further usage of the protein layer and important growth factors. The scalp microneedling procedure uses tiny needles to puncture the skin in tiny places, which prompts the body's standard wound-healing mechanisms, including collagen remodeling and skin cell renewal. 

Additionally, it aids in forming tiny openings in the scalp skin through which the growth factor solution can penetrate deeply in order to strengthen and repair any damaged or weakened hair follicles and, most significantly, to stimulate hair growth.


Although summer hair loss can be upsetting, it can be lessened with the proper care and treatments. One may preserve healthy, attractive hair throughout the summer by shielding it from the sun, staying hydrated, eating a nutritious diet, using a mild hair care routine, and seeking the guidance of a skin expert specializing in hair fall treatment when necessary. One seeking a skin doctor for hair loss treatment can visit Neya Dermatology and 

Aesthetics- the best skin clinic in Hyderabadand schedule a consultation with Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili.