Contact us

Who are "we"?

The DRP Network is a program developed to study and promote best practices for Directed Reading Programs and provide seed funding for new DRP's. This program was started by Mark Behrens, Moon Duchin, Kathryn Mann, Candice Price, Felipe Ramirez, Gigliola Staffilani and Bena Tshishiku. In 2018-19 we held an NSF grant with education study conducted by Ozlem Ayduk of UC Berkeley. In 2018, we held a DRP network conference at MIT.

This page was compiled by Kathryn Mann and Bena Tshishiku based on resources put together by the DRP and materials from the 2018 conference. Special thanks to Aidan Kestigan who designed an earlier iteration of the DRP network page, and to the many, many local DRP program organizers who responded to our queries.

Have input?

If you'd like to suggest content for the website, give us feedback on your DRP, get involved with the Network, or have queries about DRP's not answered here, the current contact person is Kathryn Mann.

Join the network.

For DRP organizers: if you'd like to subscribe to our mailing list, please fill out this survey about your program and we'll keep you up to date.