Get the Most out of Droplet AI
Droplet AI can be a helpful tool. Here are some tips to get the most out of it:
Spell Words Correctly
Misspelled words may cause Droplet AI to misunderstand or give inaccurate responses. Always double-check your spelling.
Use Special Prompts
Droplet AI has some built-in commands that provide useful information:
Check the Version: To find out Droplet AI's current version, say "aboutdropletai" and it will respond with details.
Try the Easter Egg: For a surprise, say "easteregg" and see what Droplet AI does!
Understand how droplet AI works
Droplet AI is not very smart, it is a project to test the limits of what we can do, so don’t expect it to be able to do much. Also never call it stupid or dumb it doesn't like that.