When you sync files with Dropbox, those files are kept up to date everywhere you use Dropbox. This means that if you add or make changes to a file from one device the file is automatically updated everywhere else.

Unfortunately Dropbox cannot be used on the iOS mobile app, this a limitation of iOS. Nothing Obsidian can do to fix that. I use Dropbox for all my cloud stuff and I have still decided to go ahead and purchase sync for the following reasons:

Dropbox Sync App Download

Download 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y4I3w 🔥

I changed my password. Logged out of the other devices that access my dropbox and then logged in with the new password. In doing so I notice there is now a desktop folder. I do not want drop box to share my desktop files. So I deleted the folder.

Dropbox doesn't (and can't) sync the items on your Desktop on its own. It will only sync the items located within the local Dropbox folder on your hard drive. There have been work-arounds and other third-party utilities that allowed you to sync folders outside of Dropbox, but they are not supported.

I had the same problem as you. I inadvertantly checked the box to sync my desktop folders. I tried to delete the desktop folder deep within the dropbox file structure and ended up deleting important documents on my desktop permanently. I was very frustrated and confused. Since I have important information synced with dropbox right now I haven't looked into it further. Did you figure out a solution?

I've tried to disconnect the vault from Dropbox, but didn't work. Nothing happened. So, then after I backed up my vault, I tried to uninstall, remove my old vault and settings manually, and then reinstall. But when reinstalling it still won't sync with Dropbox.

it stopped working. I was able to set up enpass, but without dropbox sync. tried flathub and RPM. Tried chrome and firefox. Enpass is showing loading, after clicking allow... oh. It synced, but after like 10th attempt... and only after setting up Enpass from backup.

Here's my issue/question:

Do I need to have dropbox installed on all devices to sync. or is it not necessary, as it will sync over the cloud anyways? I'm sorry I am concerned to try it out by myself, because I don't know if I will crash my good running Joplin Ecosys.

Because it doesn't need the app it might also be worth not syncing the Joplin folder where you do have a dropbox client, it isn't needed and just tempts fate if anything is changed in there which can cause the sync target to break.

Okay, I'm sure if I get your suggestion.

So if I don't sync the Joplin folder of the dropbox client, where should I sync my data over? 

I think I'm missing something of your idea, can you give me a little better explaination.

Joplin interacts with Dropbox entirely by connection - it doesn't use the local dropbox folder.

So if you sync that Joplin folder to your desktop you essentially have Joplin uploading data directly then your dropbox downloads it to store it locally.

In your dropbox client you should be able to go to preferences > sync > selective sync and deselect the joplin folder.

Basically it writes loads of data in there and 1) you will end up with a duplication of your data and 2) you don't want to accidentally modify or delete anything in that folder as it may break your sync

Hi Guys!

I'm having issues when syncing to Dropbox. Currently I'm syncing one Share (about 117.7GB) to my Dropbox account.

I started the service with no problems, ReadyNAS writes in logs that sync is working, and it pushed all files to Dropbox.

After couple days I've noticed (in logs) that it did not start live sync, but keeps uploading files from beginning, overwriting (probably) same files that already are on this Dropbox account.

ReadyNAS shows no errors in its system logs or in Dropbox session History logs.

I've made some test with smaller folders with lesser files and everything was working just fine.

One thing I've noticed is: my disk schedule is set to do defragmentation ones a week, and during the sync test with smaller folders and files that have to be synced to Dropbox, after defragmentation, all files was pushed to Dropbox again from the beginning and overriding existing ones - wchich does not make any sense.

This is very anoying that ReadyNAS is cheching file changes on cloud account (or at least it says it is doing that) before starting to sync, but after all it is syncing all files overriding exactly same files that are already on Dropbox. I have to wait quite long to get my files to be updated on coud storage, and I'm having affected internet connection all the time (despite the lowering the QoS for ReadyNAS on my router).

My question is: Do anyone had issues like that before? Should I never do the defragmentation if I want to sync my files with Dropbox account? What about disk balance, and scrubbing - it is making same issues? What is the solution?

I'll appreciate if anyone could help.

Model: ReadyNAS 102

Firmware: 6.10.6

defrag is different from the other maintenance tasks, and if you think it is linked to the drop box problem I suggest that you take it out of the weekly schedule for a while. Note there is also an autodefrag option for each share that you might also want to turn off for the share you are syncing.

Thanks for your answer!

Yes, I'm currently thinking that defrag is causing that problem.

Now I kicked it out of the schedule, but what about the performance? Should I never use it again if I want to sync my data?

Thanks for the autodefrag info, I checked, and it is off too, but did not realize that there is such an option.

It's the dropbox cloud service that is deciding to resync the share, not the btrfs file system. At this point we don't know why. Personally I don't use the service, so it's not something I can diagnose. You could log in with ssh, and see if you can compare the file and folder attributes before/after a defrag. That might give you some clues.

with the new sync feature, what is the best route for me here? Does the new Sync feature presume that the DTPO databases live outside the Dropbox folder? and then sync with the version in the Apps subfolder inside the Dropbox folder?

Please read the instructions carefully. If you encounter problems up to and including a DEVONthink crash during Sync, send a message to Support that includes the logs created by Sync, rather that the normal DEVONthink application crash report. Those logs will be useful to the developer to analyze what happened during the sync attempt.

Check the Activity log (Window > Activity). Prior to initiating sync, the Sync procedure will check for errors in the database and stop if errors are present, leaving a message about database validation. If that happens, use an appropriate procedure to eliminate the error(s), such as Tools > Restore Backup, Tools > Rebuild Database, or replace the damaged database copy (while the database is closed) with an undamaged backup copy, e.g., from Time Machine or a Database Archive.

Please be aware that the video contains a serious error where it recommends to deselected /Apps in the advanced syncing preferences of DropBox. This might cause problems with other apps (other than DEVONThink I mean) and even data loss. Instead deselect /Apps/DevonThink/.

Then turn on the Dropbox sync in the settings of the iOS app (right panel, bottom left button). When you do that, it should take you to a web browser to sign in. Double check that the account you are signing in to in Dropbox is the same as on the Mac.

So you signed in on a new device, an iPad, and it synced up beautifully? But when signing in on the original iOS device, it fails? And deleting the app entirely from that problem device, and installing again from the App Store did not help?

I have read some on the Scrivener site about syncing. I was able to create a Test project on my iPhone and sync that to Dropbox. I have no "real" Scrivener work on iPhone so I just created the test project.

I realize there has been a few other forum posts regarding dropbox sync not working and the solution to disable dropbox syncing in preferences and then reenable. This works, however the same problem returns once my mac is restarted. When I add or change an item, the dropbox icon shows no activity, but the sync preference pane indicates a sync is occurring (ie "Last synced: 1 min ago").

Correct. Nothing is changed on the dropbox.com site. I ran 1PasswordAnywhere from there (had to, it doesn't work locally). Dropbox app log file shows no uploads or file changes happening. 1Password is not syncing changes (even though in Preferences, it shows it had).

Hi MikeT,

Dropbox syncing has been hit and miss (more miss) for me as well. I just did what you suggested earlier and unlike applejosh, the changes I make on my laptop are seen in 1PasswordAnywhere on Dropbox.com. But the changes aren't being pushed to my phone or mac mini for some reason. To get around this yesterday, I disabled syncing on all my devices, then restarted Dropbox sync one by one and for a short time, everything seemed to update. But today I'm having the same issue again. Any ideas?



I've rebooted, and so far, it is still syncing, so that's a much better situation. I erased my data in 1Password for iOS on iPhone and setup sync again. It appears to work. However, I've noticed that the sync with Dropbox the iPhone will frequently hang. I have to end task it and/or reboot the phone for it to actually sync. So at least I have a working solution even after I do what caused issues before (rebooting). But the syncing on the iPhone (haven't tested it on my iPad or Windows box yet) is a concern. Thank you for your assistance on this matter.

@MikeT - the solution you proposed is exactly what I was referring to. In my case after disabling dropbox sync (and choosing that data file in dropbox be deleted) and then re-enabling (which re-creates the data file in dropbox) seems to have solved the issue. Interestingly though, as was pointed out by another poster, my data file in dropbox was originally in the root folder. When the data file was re-created it is now in the folder "1Password" and no longer in the root folder. e24fc04721

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