Hi guys.

I have been using Dropbox for many years but my company started using OneDrive.

But, I would like to keep all documents in Dropbox to keep everything centralized and just one app on the phone. I've tried to direct OneDrive to a folder inside Dropbox but it turns out that there is always a file that Dropbox can't sync because it's always in use by OneDrive so Dropbox can't sync it. The file starts with ".849..." and it is a system and hidden file.

If by chance I stop the OneDrive service the file is synchronized but when I start again with OneDrive it gives me an error and I no longer have synchronization with OneDrive. I have already tried to ignore the synchronization file but without success with the command "Set-Content -Path 'D:\NunoViegas\Dropbox\OneDrive\Werfen\HLIT PT - General\.849C9593-D756-4E56-8D6E-42412F2A707B' -Stream com. dropbox.ignored -Value 1". Is not marking to ignore it.

Is there a way to skip this file? Or hidden and/or system files?

Has anyone tried this?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards

I was working on a R script. The moment I saved the file and quit RStudio, the script file which is synced in a dropbox folder is turned to a 0 byte file. When I tried to open the file from dropbox web, it showed me "Error (415)". When I tried to recover it from the "version history" option, I found that strangely there are no previously saved versions though I saved it many times during my code writing and trail running. I also searched in my computer's recycle bin and dropbox's deleted file section. There is nothing. How can I recover it? It is an important file.

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Thanks for the reply, Jay. It seems to be immediate. Even if it's online-only, it is 0 bytes although it's still there in dropbox and I can work with it. So if I want to attach it to an email, I have to copy and paste it into a Word doc and save it on my hard drive or desktop. I guess it may have something to do with this: -integrations/desktop/macos-12-monterey-support but I hope they fix it soon since it's difficult not to be able to have full access. It's especially problematic for another reason - my Word crashes continually and so I can't really work on the desktop app for Word! I was just hoping there was another work around other than copy and paste since I have long files - book chapters - that I have to cut and paste by hand and it's a pain.

I connect a lot of usb's that are not mine, I must avoid this files from being created (I had to turn off load on startup and close dropbox each time I use an usb, otherwise I can't delete them, but the bad part is that now most of times my dropbox files are not updated because sometimes I forget to open it again...).

I'm seeking for an application that blocks every dropbox access to all drives (but the one installed in), but it would be better a not-so-intrusive work in dropbox app and being able to disable camera upload / usb files creation...

Overall, I see a lot of benefits in this approach, and was wondering if anyone else had implemented this idea with another app. Also, I wanted to know if there were any issues with multiple users accessing the same exe and databases at the same time. If two users are opening the same text file at the same time (from their local dropbox folders), and input data, how does Dropbox respond? Does it create a separate text file for each user, or does it prohibit the second user from changing the file?

How can I stop dropbox from creating a dropbox.device on USBs when I plug them into my PC? Dropbox is also creating a popup each time to plug in a USB. It didn't do this before, and I hadn't recently installed dropbox. Very annoying.

The dropbox.device file is being used by more features than the Camera Uploads now, so the solution in this (VERY OLD) thread really doesn't apply anymore. The file is used to remember your preferences for drives you insert. You may get a notification to upload photos or backup a drive when you insert a new drive, and there's often an option to remember your choice. If Dropbox didn't place the file on the drive then it wouldn't know that it's the same drive the next time it's plugged in.

My question: how can I assure, that all the to be uploaded files are processed one by one, and the web feedback occurs file by file, when it is really uploaded. Now I don't get any logical feedback, and w/o looking at dropbox in parallel I don't have any information, when the upload is really finished.

I selected "Never for this device" and deselected "include videos" checkbox. Then I noticed a new file popped up in the folder on the memory card, with current date and time stamp, and it was named ".dropbox.device".

I'm having a problem with dropbox. I've recently added a user to 2 of my dropbox folders (for group works), and from then all files uploaded by anybody in those folders are "duplicated" (just once) with a file of the same type (.pdf, .jpg, ...) all of the same size of 4 kb (no matter the dimension of the original files), and with the same name with "._" in front of each name. None of the duplicates are openable by their corresponding software.

I've never had this problem before, and none of the other participants in those folders had it either (before now), apart from the one I've mentioned above. Also, none of my other folders in dropbox have this problem, so I've deduced that he is the origin of the problem.

I found this post a few weeks back when I was looking for information about sharing a Dropbox folder between Windows and macOS using Bootcamp. Since then I've done a fair bit of investigation, which I've written up here: -dropbox-folder-using-bootcamp.html

Just a +1 for this issue. I recently upgraded Dropbox to their beta version which moved Dropbox in to a new location. I'm running Dropbox v161.2.3504 with Alfred 5.0.3. I ran the file troubleshooter and got all green checkmarks but Alfred will not show the results of a find, even when I add that specific dropbox folder in to the scope. Spotlight shows the file no problem.

I have tried:

Deleting and reinstalling Keepass 2 (2.52) but same result.

Reinstalling dropbox 2.50 but still unable to open

Installing keepass 2 on a different windows laptop - same result

Creating a new database with a different master p/w as a test - and that works fine.

Repairing the keepass file by importing it using 'Repair Mode' format as described and although it produces no errors or feedback, it also imports no data.

I admit to being lazy recently and leaving the laptop on overnight - possibly with Keepass open - So,

my questions are: 

Would dropbox backup an 'open' file and could this be the cause of my issue ?

Can a hexdump (or similar) be done on the file to prove/disprove that the file is corrupt ?

Is it worth trying it on a mac (& possible) ?

Could it be a bug or change that has been introduced which has disrupted the format of the file ?

Regarding the database path - I just tried moving the .kdbx file that I said I successfully created as a test - I moved it out of dropbox to my laptop

and managed to open it ok - then deleted it from dropbox and moved it back (so if it was on Unix storage, it would have had a new inode - I dont know about windows storage)

and it still opened ok.

Thanks Omar zwai also - 

Regarding dropbox - I dont use dropbox to enable access from multiple devices - I have only ever read/written to/from it from 1 laptop. I was only using dropbox to ensure it was regularly backed up.

so, I'm not sure if this is saying that it could be the cause of my issue ?

So, we have a "dropbox" folder which is meant to submit work to the teacher with list folder contents, write and append permissions for students (no read or delete; even their own files), and the teachers have modify rights to all. Recently in the last few weeks, there have been a lot of 0 KB files being created. This normally was because a student tried to "Save As..." to the dropbox folder instead of drag and dropping or copying and pasting like they are instructed. The teacher who classes are using this is very familiar with that behavior and has been using it for years with the students, so they always told to drag and drop or copy and paste so the entire file can make its way to the folder for submissions/grading.

As mentioned recently there are a lot of these 0 KB files and " - Copy" and " - Copy (2)" type files showing up. When I tested things myself, I created a Word document with a couple words in it, saved it to desktop, closed Word, and dragged and dropped the file. No issue. I went to a student machine and used one of their files. I renamed it to a unique name so I did not affect anything the student had submit and dropped it in the dropbox. I was prompted do I want to replace the file...but this is the first time I was copying or dragging that file name to the folder. I hit skip and this is where the 0 KB file is coming from. Now even though I skipped the 0 KB file with the name I had used was in the dropbox. I renamed the files again to a different unique name and did the same, but this time instead of skipping I chose to replace the file. It copied up without issue leaving on the one file at 60 MB.

@Olivier Ayotte I have not readdressed this issue for quite some time. I called and spoke with the teacher, and he confirms that they can Ctrl+C to copy and then Ctrl+V to paste. IF a file under the size of 8 MB will not be prompted to "replace the file". If the file size is larger than 8 MB or 8,192 KB the user is prompted, "do you want to replace the file", even on first copy to the folder. If the student chooses Yes, then the file is updated and there is only one (even though they don't have modify rights). 

No idea why this works, but I see larger files in the dropbox folder we have so it is still working this way! MICROSOFT this is a BUG! ff782bc1db

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