You can style your button and the dropdown-options however you wish. But the major style that controls the hover effect, by default, sets the dropdown-options not to display. Then when a mouse hovers over the menu, the display is not set to block, so the options are visible. You also set the position to absolute, so the options appear below the menu, and overflow to auto to enable scroll on small screens.

A drop-down menu is a list of options that is revealed only when a user interacts with the menu, either by clicking it or hovering over it with their cursor. The menu options then descend vertically and disappear again once the user disengages from the menu.

Drop Down Menu In Html Css Code Free Download


The tag_hash_107 ag creates a label for a menu or other user input on the page. In order to associate the label with a dropdown, the for attribute is used and shares its value with the id attribute of the following tag_hash_110 tag.

The element creates the dropdown menu. It contains two attributes, name and id. The id attribute should have the same values as the for attribute in the tag_hash_115 tag. The name attribute is used to identify the dropdown if the selection is being submitted in a form.

In the examples above, users could only select one option from the dropdown menu. However, you can also create a menu that allows users to select multiple options. This is called a multiselect dropdown.

In previous tutorials, we used the tag_hash_117 element to create a drop-down menu. While you could try playing with that in your navbar, it's much easier and quicker to create a dropdown with an unordered list, or an tag_hash_118 element.

Next, for the .navbar li selector, set the display property to inline-block. This ensures your drop-down menu items appear one below the other, and that they don't interrupt each other or other elements on the page.

Next, we'll be styling the .navbar ul ul li and .navbar li:hover ul selectors, both of which reference the list items within your dropdown menu. For both, set the display property to block, which ensures they appear one on top of the other.

Finally, let's change the background color of the dropdown links on hover. Using the CSS selector .navbar ul ul li a:hover, change the background-color property to the HTML color code of your choosing.

Dropdown menus must be accessible so that these users can browse your site, submit forms, and perform other actions the same as any other user. If not, they may take longer to find what they need or miss parts of your website altogether.

The .dropdown-content class holds the actual dropdown menu. It is hidden by default, and will be displayed on hover (see below). Note the min-width is set to 160px. Feel free to change this. Tip: If you want the width of the dropdown content to be as wide as the dropdown button, set the width to 100% (and overflow:auto to enable scroll on small screens).

I tried using ChatGPT and I ask for some html code that includes a drop list list menu using the and tags. then I asked it to Make a drop down menu in html that lets users know about sizes and colors and then I finally asked it to include the tags and now my html code is :

Okay, so I know how to create a drop down menu. And I know how to create a href that links to a specific part of the page using #. But what I need is a drop down menu that uses those # anchors to direct you to a specific part of the page. So you would click on the drop down, select your option and then it would automatically scroll you down to the appropriate section of the page. Everything I try just isn't working. Any help please?

I'm working on building new site, and I need a drop down menu to select the amount of something in my site. But at the same time I need this drop down list to accept text. So if the client wants to choose from the drop down list then he can, also if the client want to enter the amount by text then he can also. As you can see I want to make it dual.

Suppose now that the client needs the amount to be 5 - this is his right - it does not exist in the drop down list, so the client now must enter the amount textually. So for any entry the client must either choose from the drop down list or enter the amount textually.

I found this question and discussion very helpful and wanted to show the solution I ended up with. It is based on the answer given by @DevangRathod, but I used jQuery and made a couple tweaks to it, so wanted to show a fully commented sample to help anyone else working on something similar. I originally had been using the HTML5 data-list element, but was dissatisfied with that solution since it removes options from the drop down list that don't match text typed in the box. In my application, I wanted the full list to always be available.

I saw someone add a little drop down thing (triangle you click on that makes it show text underneath) to the authors notes of their fic to hide tags warnings that are spoilers. I'd love to use this in my fics but I'm not sure what the html code for this is, or if it's something more than that.

I have two hosted feature layers in AGOL that were both published from Pro to AGOL. Both are relatively similar in fields and attributes with some differences in # of rows. When trying to add a point in AGOL using the Edit tool, only one of them has drop-down menus for different attributes that help you populate the attribute by just clicking on the options, rather than having to type it. I'm trying to get the other feature layer to do the same when adding points, but I don't see an option to designate drop-down menus in the Edit tab. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!

On your hosted feature layer's item details page, go to the Data tab>click the Fields button> click on the display name of the field of interest (blue hyperlink)>check out the List of Values (Domain) at the bottom of the screen. If there are choices in a drop down when editing, they should be displayed here.

Another question I have regarding these feature layers that I'm not sure how to edit, is the fields of "CreationDate" and "EditDate". In the old feature layer, there's a dropdown menu for those and it works well so you can set when you created the point. In the "Data" tab, the Default Value is set to "None". In the new feature layer, the default value is shown as: Fri Dec 29 1899 19:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) and when adding a point, the dropdown menus for those is completely grayed out and you can't click it or change it. Is this strange?

That does seem strange. You said these were originally published from Pro, so they were created in Pro from scratch? Where did they originally live, a file geodatabase? Normally those fields are autopopulated with the creation or editing datetime when making/editing features in ArcGIS Online. I have never seen dropdown menus for them before. Is it a calendar picker or a text based one (like your original screenshot)? I'm wondering if these were custom fields instead of the ones added by ArcGIS. What is the field value type for them?

Yup, I think both were published from Pro and both were originally a file geodatabase. The old layer's date fields dropdown menu is a calendar picker. I've provided a screenshot below of what it looks like.

I looked into Mache menu.css and style.css files and I do not see drop-down menu styles. My question is, is it possible to enable a drop-down menu for the blog of Mache theme? How?. If not, is there a tutorial on how to create a drop-down menu for the blog items of Mache theme?.

Thanks and regards

What are you trying to achive with the dropdown (how will the user interact with it, what will the sub / dropdown menu items be, what will they to relate to. If you can give us a bit more information I should be able help you

Hello @spamhater and thanks for your reply. I would like to do same as with Deliver Theme, where the drop-down menu can be set to on and it takes all blog categories of all articles and it creates a sub-menu with them grouping the articles with same category under the corresponding submenu category. Same as with Deliver Theme, I do not know if I explain myself well.

Thanks for any information to create such type of menu on Mache Theme.


It sounds really weird on what you are actually trying to achieve, blogs usually have lots of posts, which would make a drop down menu rather big, rather quickly. You can have a potentially menu of catogeries under the blog menu

1.- Thanks a lot for your time in your detailed solution @spamhater , I will try it tomorrow, and I will let you know the results.

2.- Yes, you are right @spamhater the menu gets bigger, but I use this type of blog and dropdown combination using the categories tag for small websites with a small amount of products and it works with Theme Deliver @pamtbaau . I like the way products looks with the blog format and pagination. I do not use it for blog indeed, only for products.

What I did with the Deliver theme is not ideal, I know, but it works. An not only I have the drop-down menu, I also have the blog blocks that shows the categories list with the number of products inside each category, and also the full products list below. Very handy, unfortunately this setup forced me to duplicate pages, which is not ideal, I did not know how to solve it, forgive me, I am not a programmer, but it is working. 2351a5e196

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