Terry Coverley: The Mystery of Edwin Drood — The Theme

THE NOV­ELS OF CHARLES DICK­ENS are sub­tle and sneaky. They’re packed with se­crets and hid­den mean­ing: the most im­por­tant being, that con­cealed with­in every novel Dick­ens wrote is a sin­gle cen­tral theme.

A theme so dom­i­nant and all-per­va­sive that it’s ap­pli­ca­ble to al­most every char­ac­ter.

Through the char­ac­ters, Dick­ens ex­plores his cho­sen topic from every angle, mak­ing each novel a vir­tu­al trea­tise on the sub­ject.

And un­less you know what the theme is, you can’t fully un­der­stand or ap­pre­ci­ate the book…

    1. Theme of Drood
    2. John Jasper
    3. The Sun, Moon and Stars
    4. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
    5. Repression — More Examples
    6. Non-Verbal Communication
    7. Datchery Revealed
    8. Bits And Bobs
    9. Sapsea Fragment