
The Drood Inquiry is an interactive investigation into the curious case of Charles Dickens’s last, unfinished, work, The Mystery of Edwin Drood. In addition to presenting the story so far, month by month parallel with original publication, a full site will be launched in September 2014 in which visitors will be able to survey the many theories that have arisen on how the story ends, before making their own decision and voting for the conclusion they think is correct.
Детективный методсайт писателя Алексея Владимирóвича, посвящённый истории детективного жанра в литературе и кино. «Я обожаю биографии, особенно писателей-детективщиков», говорит про себя автор, поэтому и сайт его содержит множество биографических исследований, начиная от «королевы детектива» Агаты Кристи и до малоизвестного сегодня Эдгара Уоллеса. Так же на сайте можно купить и скачать необычайно интересные книжки самого Алексея Владимирóвича.
A Dictionary of Victorian London, my favourite selections of diaries, journalism, newspaper articles &c. illuminated by contemporary illustrations, in an A-Z of the Victorian metropolis, from Advertising Vans to Zazel (the world's first human canonball), and everything in between ... from Slums to Suburbs, Freak-shows to Fast food, Prisons to Pornography!
The Strange Company is a blog about a weird side of history. An epigraph to this website comes from Edgar Allan Poe: "...we should pass over all biographies of 'the good and the great,' while we search carefully the slight records of wretches who died in prison, in Bedlam, or upon the gallows."