Designation: Project Consultant                                                                  (Jun 2003-December 2003)

 Name of the organization :- Central Electronics Limited ( A Govt. of India Enterprises, under

                                              DSIR), Shahibabad, U.P.

Research and development work based on security on railway track has been performed for two micro controller based railway projects

v  Multisection digital axle counter

v  Block proving by MUX and SSDAC

Detail of the project titled as “Multisection digital axle counter”

  The presence of the one or more than one train on a railway station having one or more then one track sections determined simultaneously. Number of the train axles are stored in the entry DACFU (Digital Axle Counter Field Unit) when train enter in the track section of the railway station and number of the trains axle are stored in the DACFU when train leaving the track section of this railway station.

   The GREEN signal will be shown for the next train coming on the same track section If number of train’s axle  of entry train stored in DACFU become equal to the number of train’s axle  of exit train stored in DACFU. The RED signal will be shown for the next train coming on the same track section If number of train’s axle of entry train stored in DACFU is not equal to the number of train’s axle  of exit train stored in DACFU.


Research and development work

   Design a RESET BOX. When any problem is removing then green signal will be glow for this track after given reset command by reset box to this track section.


Detail of the for the  project titled as “Block proving by MUX and SSDAC”

  In this project, signal from the MUX of universal axle counter and SSDAC are combined at one railway station, send to the other station and separate out at the other railway station. Frequency of the signal from the entry SSDAC is of 950Hz and frequency of the signal from the entry SSDAC is of 1650Hz. Frequency of the signal from the MUX card is 3.4KHz.


Research and development work

v  Design a combiner card to combine signal from the MUX and SSDAC.

v  Design a splitter card in which signal of the MUX and SSDAC are separate out from each other.

v  Design three band pass filter of frequency 3.4KHz, 1650Hz and 950Hz for the indication of MUX and SSDAC signal in the combiner and splitter card.

v  Design a transformer to send the signal from one railway station to other railway station

v  Design a motherboard for these combiner and splitter card

v  Design a voltage regulator having input DC voltage of +24V and output DC voltage of +5V

v  Design a voltage regulator having input DC voltage of +15V and output DC voltage of +7.5V

v  Design a transformer for HP3C with RM – 10.