"Housing Wealth Reallocation between Subprime and Prime Borrowers During Recessions." (2022). Macroeconomic Dynamics - with Ayse Sapci. Online Appendix. SSRN.
"Did the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Help Counties Most Affected by the Great Recession?" (2021) Review of Economic Dynamics – with Mario J. Crucini. Ungated PDF.
"Electrification, Telecommunications, and the Finance-growth Nexus: Evidence from Firm-level Data." (2021) Energy Economics - with Christopher A. Cotter and Peter L. Rousseau
"Asymmetric Effects of Sectoral Shifts under Low and High Uncertainty." (2021) Economic Inquiry - with Kimberly A. Berg. Ungated PDF
"Price Flexibility and Output Volatility under Menu Costs." (2020) Macroeconomic Dynamics PDF
"International Effects of Stock Market Dispersion." (2020) Southern Economic Journal - with Jiayu Wu (Miami 18') PDF
"International Effects of Corporate Tax Cuts on Income Distribution." (2020) Review of International Economics - with Siraj G. Bawa PDF
"International Spillovers of U.S. Financial Volatility." (2019) Journal of International Money and Finance - with Kimberly A. Berg PDF
"Stock Market Volatility and International Business Cycle Dynamics: Evidence from OECD Economies." (2015) Journal of International Money and Finance Ungated PDF
Working Papers
"A Tale of Infrequent but Long-lasting Liquidity Trap" - with Kevin X.D. Huang.
"State-dependent Distribution Friction and Monetary Policy." - with Dong (Carl) Cheng. Working Paper PDF. (Under Review)
"Natural Disasters and Asset Prices: Evidence from Winter Storm Uri." - with Dong (Carl) Cheng.
“Real Effects of Inflation Expectation Uncertainty”
“County-level Business Cycles and Optimal Fiscal Policy” – With Mario J. Crucini and Oscar O’Flaherty
“The Real Effects of Brexit on Labor Demand: Evidence from Firm-level Data” - with Hang Do, Kiet Duong and Toan Huynh. Working Paper
Conference Presentations
2022 – WEAI (Portland, OR), Midwest Macro Meetings (Utah and Texas), Liberal Arts Macro (Middlebury)
2021 – Canadian Economic Association Meetings (Virtual), Southern Economics Association (Virtual)
2020 – WEAI (Virtual), Southern Economics Association (Virtual)
2019 – Midwest Macro Meetings (UGA and MSU), Union College (NY), SEA (FL), AEA
2018 – Vanderbilt University, WEAI (Canada), Midwest Macro Meetings (Vanderbilt, Nashville)
2017 – University of Cincinnati, Oberlin College, WEAI (San Diego), Midwest Macro (LSU)
2016 – Midwest Macro Meetings (Kansas Fed), Southern Economics Association (Washington D.C.)
2015 – Midwest Macro Meetings (Rochester, NY), Southern Economics Association (New Orleans, LA)
2012 - 2014 - Vanderbilt University (International Seminar), Midwest Macro (UC Boulder, CO), Missouri Economic Conference (Columbia, MO), Midwest Macro (FIU, FL), Vanderbilt, Miami, Fordham
(inclusive of co-author presentation of joint papers)