
Hello! Welcome to Mei-Rong Alice Chen's website. 

Dr. Mei-Rong Alice Chen is an Assistant Professor  in the Department of English Language and Literature at Soochow University, and Empower Vocational Education Research Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.  With over 20 years of experience in academia, she specializes in digital learning and education and TESL. Her research interests include technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) and computer-assisted language learning (CALL), as well as learning analytics and innovative pedagogy design. She employs quasi-experimental designs and quantitative methods in her research. Additionally, she is currently exploring the use of cutting-edge technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, SVVR, and others, to enhance EFL education.

陳玫蓉博士為東吳大學英文語言與文學系和國立台灣科技大學技職賦能研究中心的助理教授,擁有20年以上的學術與教學經驗,在國際期刊和研討會上發表了近40篇以上的論文。她的教學與研究專長為以英語語言學習及數位學習與教育,主要探討如何利用科技強化語言學習(TELL)和電腦輔助語言學習(CALL),以及如何設計創新的科技教學法和學習分析。她的研究採用了準實驗設計和量化方法,並且嘗試使用人工智慧、聊天機器人、SVVR 等科技來提高 EFL 教育的教學與學習成果。 

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