Dr. Monu Mishra is working as an Assistant Professor of Physics at Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi. After Graduating (B.Sc. Hons. Physics) from the University of Delhi and Jamia Millia Islamia (M.Sc. Physics), he did PhD in Physics from the National Physical Laboratory of India (CSIR - NPL). Following his doctoral studies, Dr. Mishra served as  senior scientist and postdoctoral fellow at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India, respectively. 

With his keen interest in material science, surface & interface physics, photoemission spectroscopy and semiconductor devices, He authored over 56 SCI research articles and 2 book chapters with over 1500 citations. Dr. Mishra has received numerous awards and fellowships such as DSKPDF (UGC, India), ROW Fellowship (TU Munich, Germany), Young Scientist at Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Lindau, Germany), Graduate Research Award (AVS, USA), ESONN Fellowship (CEFIPRA, France) and ICTP Fellowship (Italy) etc.

Please feel free to reach out for online lectures, talks, presentations and offers for potential collaboration and joint research proposals.