The Outfit

Due to CASAblanca being a virtual event this year, we thought we would have some virtual fun by allowing you to vote for the outfit Dr. Ramirez will wear the night of CASAblanca.

Each dollar donated will be a vote for the outfit, a vote for Dr. Miguel Ramirez, and a vote for the kids of CASA! You can vote by clicking the Venmo click next to the outfit and making your donations via Venmo and put in the description field which Outfit # you are voting for.

All vote must be in by noon on November 7th, 2020 in order to go towards the determination of Dr. Ramirez's outfit.

Outfit #1

Miguel-Ramirez-495 - Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Miguel-Ramirez-495 - Outfit #2

Outfit #3

Miguel-Ramirez-495 - Outfit #3