Dr. Mark Zahid

Emergency Physician

Dr. Mark Zahid is a prominent figure in emergency medicine, boasting a career spanning over two decades in Birmingham, Alabama. Originating from Birmingham and later experiencing the diverse cultural milieu of the United Arab Emirates during his adolescence, he cultivated a unique perspective on healthcare, blending global insights with local practices. His journey into medicine was ignited by an innate passion for healing, propelling him to pursue a medical degree at the esteemed University of Alabama School of Medicine (UASOM), where he graduated with distinction.

Since starting his professional tenure in emergency medicine in 2001, he has played an integral role in various emergency departments across Alabama. Renowned for his adept handling of critical situations, he is revered for his ability to remain composed and decisive under pressure, effectively managing life-threatening emergencies. His unwavering commitment to delivering timely and compassionate care has saved countless lives and earned him the trust and admiration of his peers and patients.

Beyond his clinical duties, he has emerged as a leader and innovator in emergency medical services. He has spearheaded the implementation of pioneering practices and protocols, significantly enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency care. Moreover, he actively mentors and guides aspiring emergency physicians, embodying his belief in the importance of nurturing future medical professionals.

His dedication to healthcare transcends the confines of the hospital, as evidenced by his active involvement in community service initiatives. He frequently participates in health camps and awareness programs, striving to improve healthcare accessibility and education in underserved communities. His endeavors underscore his profound commitment to holistic healthcare and his desire to impact the broader community positively.