Sanjay Kumar, Suneel Kumar, Manisha Sengar and Pratibha Kumari (2021) Gold-carbonaceous materials based heterostructures for gas sensing applications RSC Advances 25104 to 25810

Manisha Sengar, Moses Rinchui Ngasainao and Raj Kumar (2020) Studies on acute toxicity and behavioural respnose under heavy metal intoxication in a fresh water fish, Macrognathus aculeatus (bloch) SHODH SARITA Vol. 7, Issue 28, 127-129

Manisha Sengar and Sangeeta Pal (2020) A study on toxic effects of environmental pollutants. SHODH SANCHAR BULLETIN Vol. 10, Issue 40, 70-75.

Sengar Manisha, Pandey Umakant (2001) Efficacy of some natural plant protectants in stored wheat grains against rice weevil Stiophiles Oryzae Linnaeus.

Sengar Manisha, Pandey Umakant (2000) To study the comparative development of Rice Weevil, Sitophilus Oryzae Linnaeus on some varieties of stored wheat grains.