
3D printed vascular phantom of a full organ

Project funded by VRT foundation, in collaboration with PROM Facilities Rovereto

With this project, in collaboration with Prom Facility, we aim to build and 3D print vascularised models of different organs and pathologies. The 3D models will then be used for the development and testing of ultrasound imaging algorithms dedicated to the visualisation of the vasculature and its properties, in order to develop solutions for the early diagnosis of diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer.

Project funded by VRT foundation, in collaboration with PROM Facilities Rovereto

The project focuses on the development of solutions capable to resolve the technical limitations (need for high frame rate, prolonged acquisition times, and high data size) which hampers the clinical traslation of ultrasound localization microscopy (ULM).

TEULM (Time Efficient Ultrasound Localization Microscopy)

Project funded by Solstice Pharmaceuticals, the Netherlands


Proof of Concept project funded by The Ministry of Health, Italy

The project focuses on the development of a decision support system - mULtiomic sofTwaRe bASed on preclinical models and pOiNt-of-care clinICal and lung ultrasound data for the personalized management of children with Community Acquired Pneumonia (ULTRASONIC-CAP). Project in collaboration with IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu and Ospedale pediatrico Giovanni XXIII, Bari.


project funded by The European Institute of Innovation and Technology 

Computer Aided Lung Ultrasound Imaging for the Management of Patients Affected by COVID-19

project funded by Fondazione Valorizzazione Ricerca Trentina

Lung UltraSound for Acute Respiratory Disease (LUSARD)

project in collaboration with Humanitas Gavazzeni, a clinical study where multi frequency RF data will be collected via a research scanner and analysed with the aim to develop a quantitative, reproducible and specific lung ultrasound method.


We acknowledge the following organizations for their support to some of our projects: