Research Outcome
Below, you’ll find my significant research work For questions, feel free to message me.
At Clarkson University, New York
Worked on Energy Management for Ship Power System.
At University of North Carolina Charlotte
Contributed in writing a few of the project proposals.
Successfully delivered the objectives related to ReDis-PV project (Funded by Department of Energy)
Distributed Algorithm for Control of Distributed Energy Resources in Active Power Distribution System for Local Power Balance with Optimal Spectral Clustering.
Developed a game theoretic demand side management algorithm.
Developed a Graph theory-based load flow algorithm for three phase distribution networks in the presence of regulators and DERs.
Developed a current injections-based flow algorithm for three phase distribution networks in the presence of regulators, transformers, and distributed generations.
Developed a load flow algorithm for a renewable integrated AC-DC meshed distribution network.
Developed Module in Python as well as in Matlab to interface OpenDSS and utilized the interfacing code for computing various power flow scenarios controlling PVs and Batteries integrated with three phase distribution network.
Developed a Distribution use of Network Charging Mechanism for large distribution network embedded with DGs.
OPF formulation of Hybrid AC-DC distribution system.
Developed a Novel Fault Analysis for Unbalanced Distribution System using Sequence Components with Mutual Coupling
At IIT Roorkee
Contributed in fulfilling the research objectives of INDO-UK HEAPD and INDO-US UIASSIST projects by publishing research articles in reputed journals.
Assisted my supervisor while preparing the research proposal of Indo-US UI-ASSIST and Indo-Danish ID-EDGe projects.
Developed a load flow algorithm for AC-DC distribution network in the presence of renewable generations.
Developed a load flow algorithm for three-phase unbalanced distribution network in the presence of distributed generations.
Developed a distribution use of systems (DUoS) charging methodology for charging network users for their extent of use of the distribution network.