Students' comments on my teaching

Hi Sir,

I just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic first year.

I have always looked forward to and thoroughly enjoyed your Seminars, and I just wanted you to know that you have completely transformed the way that I think about Economics.

I hope you have a splendid summer, and hopefully see you in Economics for Strategy!

Kind Regards,

Benjamin Shaw, Economics student

Dear Dr. Kwaku Ohene-Asare,

Thank you very much for your reply and your help once again, you have no idea how appreciate I am of you helping me.

I am pleased that you have made me enjoy economics. Your teaching style is excellent. Who won't like it.

Thank you

Best Wishes,

Queenie, Economics

Dear Sir

Thank you very much for guiding me on essay. May I please confirm that I've my next appointment at Monday 4pm D1.01.

Have a nice weekend,

Cathy Tong, Business Student

Thank u very much sir, u ve made learning very easy and attractive in a world class university

Lawrence Amoako-Afreh

Hello Dr. Ohene-Asare

I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation for your time and the sharing of knowledge and experiences during my ECONS FOR BUSINESS class this semester.

I learnt a lot from you even beyond the actual sharing of academic knowledge.

I am very grateful. You remain a blessing to your generation.

John Louis Opata

MPhil 1 - HRM