
"In my opinion, San Diego can boast no more skilful Sports medicine doctor than Jerry Moylan."

~A.P. 'BERT' MORROW Masters World Record Holder and 1989 World Masters Gold Medal Champion - 80 meter hurdles

"Dr. Moylan, Thank you for rapidly correcting my shoulder injury so I could get back to my training. I would recommend Dr. Moylan to everyone."

~STEVE HENNEBERRY 1990 Mr. America, American Gladiator "Tower"

For more than 35 years Dr. Jerry Moylan has been helping professional, amateur and non athletes reach their optimal potential. Runners, triathletes, cyclists, tennis players, baseball players, weight lifters and many more have experienced the healing touch of Dr. Jerry.

Dr. Jerry’s Functional Medicine & Sports Medicine Clinic Phone: (858) 245-9293 | Email: drjerry1234@gmail.com