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All You Need To Know About the Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem that can affect individuals of any age. It can be a result of hormonal changes, heredity, medications, or any medical condition. Hair loss can happen to anybody; however, it is more frequent among men than women.

Some of the significant causes of hair loss are the following:

1. Family Heredity

This is one of the most common reasons which occur gradually with aging and in predictable patterns. It starts with a receding hairline along with bald spots caused in men and thinning of hair among women.

2. Changes in hormonal conditions

A wide variety of conditions are responsible for hair loss, and hormonal changes are one of them. Such changes include childbirth, pregnancy, thyroid, and menopause. Medical conditions that include alopecia areata leads to patchy hair loss and scalp infections like ringworm along with hair-pulling disorder known as trichotillomania.

3. Medical supplements

Hair loss is a side effect few drugs like those useful for cancer, depression, arthritis, heart problems, high blood pressure, and gout. Such conditions of medical supplements often lead to hair loss and even baldness. Treatment for hair loss is readily available, and one should seek it.

4. Lack of protein intake

Deficiency of sufficient protein in your diet may lead to hair loss. When the body does not get enough protein in your diet, the body may ration protein though shutting down of hair growth. This can take place every two or three months post a drop in the protein intake. This is when you need to state taking great sources of protein that includes meat, eggs, and fish. However, if you are a vegetarian, you need to start having alternative sources of protein. It can also lead to dry skin, although treatment for dry skin is available.

5. Stress

The modern day stress is no more a new condition. It has its significant dampening effects on the human body, and mind and hair loss is no different. Moreover, emotional stress is a lot more likely to cause hair loss as compared with physical stress.


These significant causes of hair loss need to be treated once hair loss starts taking place.