Papers & presentations


Donnelly, G., James, M., Coltman, C., Brockwell, E., Perkins, J., & Moore, I. S. (2022). Running during pregnancy and postpartum Part B: How does running related advice and guidance received during pregnancy and postpartum affect women’s running habits? Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. DOI: 10.1097/JWH.0000000000000240

James, M., Moore, I. S., Donnelly, G., Brockwell, E., Perkins, J., & Coltman, C. (2022). Running during pregnancy and postpartum Part A: Why do women stop running during pregnancy and not return to running in the postpartum period? Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. DOI: 10.1097/JWH.0000000000000228

Donnelly, G. M., Brockwell, E., & Moore, I. S. (2022). Beyond the musculoskeletal system: considering whole system readiness for running postpartum. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. DOI: 10.1097/JWH.0000000000000218

Lloyd, R. S., Dobbs, I. J., Wong, M. A., Moore, I. S., & Oliver, J. L. (2022). The effects of training frequency during a 28-week neuromuscular training intervention on movement competency and strength and power kinetics in male youth. Sports Health, 14, 57-68.


Jones, H. S. R., Moore, I. S., King, E., Stiles, V. H., Laudani, L., McFadden, C., McCarthy-Ryan, M., & Daniels, K. (2021). Movement strategy correspondence across jumping and cutting tasks after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 32, 612-621.

Donnelly, G., Moore, I. S., Brockwell, E., & Cooke, R. (2021). Reframing return to sport postpartum: the 6 Rs framework. British Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104877

Kember, L., Lloyd, R., Myer, G., & Moore, I. S. (2021). Kinetics and stabilisation of the Tuck Jump Assessment. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 31, 524-528.

Vella, S., Verhagan, E., Bolling, C., & Moore, I. S. (2021). Perceiving, reporting and managing an injury – Perspectives from National team football players, coaches and health professionals. Science and Medicine in Football. DOI: 10.1080/24733938.2021.1985164

Moore, I. S., James, M., Brockwell, E., Perkins, J., Jones, A., & Donnelly, G. M. (2021). Multidisciplinary, biopsychosocial factors contributing to return-to-running and running-related stress urinary incontinence in postpartum females. British Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104168.


Bitchell, C. L., Varley-Campbell, J., Robinson, G., Stiles, V., Mathema, P., & Moore, I. S. (2020). Recurrent and subsequent injuries in professional and elite sport: A systematic review. Sports Medicine – Open. DOI: 0.1186/s40798-020-00286-3.

Tysoe, A., Moore, I. S., Ranson, C., McCaig, S., & Williams, S. (2020). Bowling loads and injury risk in male first class county cricket: Is ‘differential load’ an alternative to the acute-to-chronic workload ratio? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 23, 569-575.

Clarsen, B., Bahr, R., Myklebust, G., Haugsboe Andersson, S., Docking, S., Drew, M., Finch, C., Fortington, L.,Harov, J., Moreau, B., Moore, I. S., Moller, M., Nabhan, D., Nielsen, R., Pasanen, K., Schwellnus, M.,Soligard, T., & Verhagen, E. (2020). An update of the Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center questionnaires on overuse injury & health problems. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54, 390-396.

Moore, I. S. & Ashford, K. (2020). Should endurance runners reduce their ground contact time and stiffen their legs to minimise metabolic cost? The Sport and Exercise Scientist, BASES, Issue 63 Spring.

Moore, I. S. (2020). Invited speaker. Professional Rugby Injury Surveillance of a Multi-continent league (PRISM) project. Pro14 Medical Advisory Board. Online.


Moore, I. S., Ashford, K. J., Cross, C., Hope, J., Redman, J., Jones, H. S. R., & McCarthy-Ryan, M. (2019). Humans optimise ground contact time and leg stiffness to minimse the metabolic cost of running. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2019.00053.

Bitchell, C. L., Mathema, P., & Moore, I. S. (2019). The burden of injuries in Welsh Professional Rugby Union: A four-year prospective study. Physical Therapy in Sport, 42, 26-32.

Bitchell, C.L., McCarthy-Ryan, M., Goom, T., & Moore, I. S. (2019). Spring-mass characteristics during human locomotion: Running experience and physiological considerations European Journal of Sport Science, 19, 1328-1335. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2019.1609095.

Moore, I. S., Phillips, D. J., Ashford, K. J., Mullen, R., Goom, T., & Gittoes, M. R. J. (2019). An interdisciplinary examination of attentional focus strategies used during running gait retraining. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 29, 1572-1582. DOI: 10.1111/sms.13490.

Moore, I. S. & Willy, R. W. (2019). Use of wearables: Tracking and retraining in runners. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 18, 437-444.

Willy, R. W., & Moore, I. S. (2019). Patellofemoral pain in runners and gait retraining. Undergraduate Sport and Exercise Medicine Society e-magazine, e7.

Moore, I. S. (2019). Invited speaker. Run like a woman: Economical running biomechanics in female runners. American Society of Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics. Calgary, Canada.

Moore, I. S. (2019). Invited speaker. Running out of trouble: Effective gait retraining for injured runners. Scottish Podiatry MSK Conference. Glasgow, UK.

Moore, I. S. (2019). Invited speaker. Is there an economical running technique? Scottish Podiatry MSK Conference. Glasgow, UK.


Diss, C. E., Doyle, S., Moore, I.S., Mellalieu, S., & Bruton, A. M. (2018). Examining the effects of combined gait retraining and video self-modeling on habitual runners experiencing knee pain: A pilot study. Translational Sports Medicine. DOI:10.1002/tsm2.47

Stiles, V.H., Pearce, M., Moore, I. S., Langford, J., & Rowlands, A. V. (2018). Wrist-worn accelerometery for runners: Objective quantification of training load. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001704.

Rafferty, J., Ranson, C., Oatley, G., Mostafa, M., Mathema, P., Crick, T., & Moore, I. S. (2018). On average, a professional rugby union player is more likely than not to sustain a concussion after 25 matches. British Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098417.

Ranson, C., George, J., Rafferty, J., Miles, J., & Moore, I. S. (2018). Playing surface and UK professional rugby union injury risk. Journal of Sports Sciences. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1458588.


Moore, I. S., Mount, S., Mathema, P., & Ranson, C. (2017). Application of the Subsequent Injury Categorisation (SIC) model for longitudinal injury surveillance in elite rugby and cricket: Inter-sport comparisons and inter-rater reliability of coding. British Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI:10.1136/bjsports-2016-097040

Griffin, S. A., Ranson, C., Moore, I. S., & Mathema, P. (2017). Concussion knowledge and experience among Welsh amateur rugby union coaches and referees. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 3, e000174. DOI: 10.1136/bmjsem-2016-000174

Moore, I. S. (2017). Invited speaker. Concussion: Understanding the risk. Cardiff Sport and Exercise Medicine Society. Cardiff, UK.


Moore, I. S. (2016). Is there an economical running technique? A review of modifiable biomechanical factors affecting running economy. Sports Medicine. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0474-4

Orchard, J. W., Ranson, C., Olivier, B., Dhillon, M., Gray, J., Langley, B., Mansingh, A., Moore, I. S., et al. (2016). International consensus statement on injury surveillance in cricket: a 2016 update. British Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096125

Moore, I. S., Jones. A. J., & Dixon, S. J. (2016). Reduced oxygen cost of running is related to the alignment of the resultant GRF and leg axis vector: A pilot study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport. DOI: 10.1111/sms.12514

Moore, I. S. (2016). Injury rates in Rugby Union: Priorities, patterns and impact on performance. Undergraduate Sport and Exercise Medicine Society e-magazine, e2.

Moore, I. S. (2016). Invited speaker. The biomechanical art of running: Performance and injury perspectives. Injury Prevention Conference. Bath, UK.


Moore, I. S. (2015). Invited speaker. Priority injury problems in rugby and football codes. British Association for Sport and Exercise Medicine. Cardiff, UK.

Moore, I. S. (2015). Invited speaker. Running re-education: Review of the evidence. Association of Foot and Ankle Physiotherapists 3rd Annual Conference. London, UK.

Moore, I. S., Ranson, C., & Mathema, P. (2015). Three-year injury surveillance of international Rugby Union: Priority problems and risk factors. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI: 10.1177/2325967115596194

Mathema, P., Evans, D., Moore, I. S., Ranson, C. & Martin, R. (2015). Concussed or not? An assessment of concussion experience and knowledge within elite and semi-professional Rugby Union. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000256

Moore, I. S., Pitt, W., Nunns, M., & Dixon, S. J. (2015). Effects of a seven-week minimalist footwear transition programme on footstrike modality, pressure variables and loading rates. Footwear Science, 7(1), 17-29.


Moore, I. S., & Dixon, S. J. (2014). Changes in sagittal plane kinematics with treadmill familiarisation to barefoot running. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 30(5), 626-631.

Moore, I. S., Jones, A. M., & Dixon, S. J. (2014). The pursuit of improved running performance: Can changes in cushioning and somatosensory feedback influence running economy and injury risk. Footwear Science, 6(1), 1-11. Nike Award Winner.

Moore, I. S., Jones, A. M., & Dixon, S. J. (2014). Relationship between metabolic cost and muscular coactivation across running speeds. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 17(6), 671-676.

Moore, I. S. (2014). Invited speaker.. Barefoot and shod running: Implications for performance and injury risk. Running Conference. Kettering, UK.

Moore, I. S. (2014). Invited speaker. Welsh Rugby Union injury surveillance project. Welsh Rugby Union Sports Medicine Conference. Cardiff, UK.


Moore, I. S. (2013). 'The Beast Within': Life with an invisible chronic illness. Qualitative Inquiry, 19, 201-208.

Moore, I. S. (2013). Invited speaker. Pursuing improved running performance: Influence of cushioning and proprioception. Barefoot Connections Conference. Surrey, UK.

Moore, I. S. (2013). Invited speaker. Preliminary injury surveillance overview: County Cricket. England and Wales Cricket Board Sports Medicine Conference. Birmingham, UK.


Moore, I. S. (2012). Active Voice: Do runners self-optimise? Sports Medicine Bulletin, 092512.

Moore, I. S., Jones, A. M., & Dixon, S. J. (2012). Mechanisms for improved running economy in beginner runners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(9), 1756-1763.