Sign Up for Classes

Please allow a few days in response time for the sign-up form. 

We will get back to you regarding registration as soon as possible! 

How to register for classes

The easiest way to sign up here at Driver's Ed with Fred, LLC is through our form. This is linked below. Before filling it out, visit the upcoming classes tab and click on a date to read more on the pricing and outline of that class. If you would prefer, you can email us to sign up as well! To sign up for Driver's Ed you must be 15 years old on the start date or prior to the start date of the class.

PREPARING FOr your first class

We know it is easy to get caught up in your busy day at work and school, but please put a few minutes aside prior to the start of class in order to come prepared. Payment is required within two weeks of the starting date. At the end of the first class, there is time put aside to collect payments. Please bring a copy of the student's birth certificate and any prescribed lenses. There will be a mandatory vision screening the first night and to pass, the student must have 20/40 in their best eye. If you do not pass, you will not be allowed to drive until you have either a 20/40 from an eye doctor or prescribed lenses. We want to get you out on the road as soon as possible!  We are looking forward to seeing you!