I got this usb rs232 converter and I was wondering if somebody knows if it is possible to use this (or any other usb rs232 converter) without using the drivers. The converter I got has a FTDI chip and it does have drivers included, but I want to use it without the drivers because I plan to connect it to an Arduino and a serial printer, and not a computer, so there is no operating system for the drivers.

After a lot of research and experimenting I can now answer my own question Apparently it is impossible to use a USB serial adapter without having an operating system at the USB end where the drivers can be installed. In other words, a USB serial adapter cannot convert data without drivers. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is what I have concluded so far. I actually find it strange that no converter exists where the full conversion is made inside the converter, without the need for an operating system.

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For most of these operating systems two types of driver are available: Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers and direct (D2XX) drivers. The VCP driver emulates a standard PC serial port such that the USB device may be communicated with as a standard RS232 device. The D2XX driver allows direct access to a USB device via a DLL interface.

To locate the drivers you want to install for a device, select which of the driver types you wish to use (VCP or D2XX) and then locate the appropriate operating systems. With the exception of Windows 98 and Windows ME, all devices are supported in each driver package.

The buck converter works fine as long as the drain voltage of the MOSFET is lower than the gate voltage. If the drain voltage is higher than the gate voltage the output of the transistor is capped at 8 volts which is 40% of the gate voltage. I tried this with different MOSFETs from different companies and they all gave me the same result.

I tried connecting the converter to the driver as mentioned in the data sheet, but I ran into some other difficulties. I included a bootstrap circuit with the input of the VDD used for the high side FET. The output of the bootstrap circuit is around 17V, which should be fine for the driver. The output to the high side FET is not a square wave but a constant signal of 17V. This means that my high side FET is not switching. If you could take a look at it it would be very helpful.

Are you able to add a gate resistor from driver to FET?

When no external gate resistor is employed between the driver and FET, the power is completely dissipated inside the driver package. 

With the use of external gate-drive resistors, the power dissipation is shared between the internal resistance of driver and external gate resistor.

I have a new batch of these drivers coming since the current one's I have come from a dubious source (ordered the 10 version instead of the 11, so I had to get the 11 version locally and the thermal pad looks a bit weird; Al-trough I doubt someone would go trough the trouble to fake these .... you never know in china).

We are really surprised that the fake one works properly and the real one does not. At this point I ordered about 5 pin compatible drivers and I'm simply going to see which one works as expected and which one does not. I'm simply out of ideas now.

When I turn on power supply current consumption is 14mA, after I change PWM on INH_A and INH_B, it starts consuming 193mA and gets into fault state and stays there (could not be resetted with togling EN_GATE)... I believe 24V is well bellow operating range of this driver chip.

Drivers becomes hot so I could not touch it for more than 3sec only.

The only thing that gets on my mind is current limiting mode - is this current limiting I am seeing? From datasheet I read "If M_OC = LOW, the gate driver will operate in a cycle-by-cycle current limiting mode". In my case I have M_OC set to LOW.

So I reinstalled the agent and the service is still in ControlSet002 (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\vstor2-mntapi20-shared). I ran "net start vstor2-mntapi20-shared" (from an elevated CMD prompt) but the service is already running. I ran the conversion and it still fails with the "Missing Vstor2 driver or not started" error.

I uninstalled the agent and reinstalled locally (vs. from the converter) by copying the VMware-Converter-Agent.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone on the system where the converter is running and running with elevated priviledge/as admin. This placed the service in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vstor2-mntapi20-shared & HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\vstor2-mntapi20-shared paths. Unfortuantely, I'm still getting the same error message.

I just came upon the same issue! I've installed Converter Standalone on several servers (I'm not doing the client-server method) and they've all been syncing fine up until last weekend when all of them failed with this vstor2 driver missing or not running error.

vstor2 driver is probably flagged as malware in some security tools.

Either you disable your security-tools or use a different way to transport the diskimage.

I prefer ddrescue - its not the fastest transport tool but the most reliable.


DC converter according specification handles max 16A on input and max 10A on output. PSU supplies 2A max on output. L298N module has specification on the Amazon page: as far as I understood it is also 2A max.

You seem to have connected the DC/DC converter to the 5volt logic supply of the L298 board (orange wire). More than 7volt on that corner terminal (5volt) will fry the L298.

The 12volt motor terminal is near the pin strip. Google "L298 board" (images).


I'm in a real mess now. I have a 32bit driver for my Frontech 2215 e-cam . I have searched the internet was unable to find a 64bit driver even in the manufacturer's site. Hope someone could come up with a solution.

Not possible, for so many reasons. At the very least it requires a re-compile, for which you'll need the driver source code (which I'm guessing Frontech has not made public). And it'll likely require a lot of other changes as well. Driver ports are rarely trivial.

Possibility 1 - Recompile the driver

In theory, if you can dissemble the driver to see how it works and then re-write the driver to be functional in a 64-bit environment. However, this solution may not be legal or easy to do. This would also be harder the more complex the driver is.

Possibility 2 - Emulation

I am no expert on the internal workings of 32-bit and 64-bit drivers however, If you can emulate an entire 32-bit computer on a 64-bit computer then it should be possible.

In theory, you would need to either find or build a wrapper for the 32-bit driver. This driver would be a 64-bit driver and would act as a miniature emulator for the 32-bit driver to exist in.

 However, the bigger question in this case is how fast does the driver needs to operate. The reason why this is important is because if you did manage to convert the data, it may take longer for the driver to operate and if a driver requires a certain amount of speed to operate, it could cause programs and possibly your computer to crash if your computer isn't designed to deal with slow drivers.

The plus side to this method is that you would be able to avoid legal issues that may come from decompiling the driver.

Installing Unsigned Drivers:

In order to install your driver unsigned, you will have to enter into a special mode to Disable driver signature enforcement or through a different method. Here is a link to a tutorial on how to do that:


End Note

At the end of the day, it all comes down to how much time are you willing to spend to make a driver to function and if it is worth the risk. And so far, I have been unable to find any such drivers online.

I read it needed the FTDI Virtual com port drivers here which I downloaded and ran the installation executable for. It looked like they were confirmed as installed, but nothing ever showed up after in device manager (ie no USB serial converter or USB serial port), even after reboots and unpluggung/plugging in the USB cable, etc, etc).

So after more reading up I managed to download the drivers separately from the FTDI website (CDM v2.12.36.4 WHQL Certified) and following the guide here on page 9 of the guide I installed the USB serial converter. I then went into the settings for the USB serial converter under device manager and enabled the "load VCP" option.

The USB serial port then appeared when I plugged and unplugged the USB cable, again with an alert indicating missing drivers. I repeated the process to manually load the drivers from the WHQL certified ones mentioned earlier.

So as I say I then found with some help that I had an AtariMax SIO2PC board, so downloaded the 64bit drivers from the AtariMax forum. I removed the USB serial port and USB serial converter and their drivers via device manager, and installed the signed Atarimax drivers. Sure enough the device is listed as Atarimax SIO2PC in device manager. But even after a reboot and uplugging/plugging in the USB, I now do not get the USB serial port nor the USB serial converter set up.

So with the Atarimax driver installed I now don't get ResepQt appearing to handshake with the board. (Obviously because there is no VCP loaded or USB serial port is absent and isn't pointing to the Com3, etc etc.)

EDIT: Incidentally I also then tried to install the USB serial port and converter drivers alongside the Atarimax driver, which of course rendered the latter unable to start as indicated in the device manager.

@flashjazzcat Hi. Sure. Unfortunately Ape seems my only option with my installed Atarimax sio2pc USB board as per 1st post and days attempting to get it to work installing FTDi drivers automatically and manually. With this Atarimax board nothing is plug and play with the latter until I just installed the Atarimax 64 bit driver and ran it with Ape trial. 2351a5e196

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