AZ Value Car Rentals

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent for a day, a week or a month (short-term)?

No, you can't rent for a day, a week or just a month. We only offer 3+ months rental plans. We don't have daily or weekly rental plans.

Can I rent for 3 months and return early?

Yes, you can do that, as long as payment is fulfilled for all 3 months.

What is the minimum period of rental?

3 months, after that you can extend your rental plan on monthly basis.

Is it a long term rental or lease?

Same, since we only offer lease to rent not lease to own. You can think of it as leasing an apartment, where you pay the monthly rent and have your own renters insurance to cover accidents, and the leasing office got you covered for all routine maintenance & repair, but never have to buy/own the apartment.

Why do I have to do MVD title and registration?

Because long-term rental is aka lease and to be compliant with state and traffic laws, you become lessee on the vehicle and our company becomes lessor through MVD title and registration process.

Who owns the plate on the vehicle?

You own the plate on the vehicle. When you return the vehicle, you take the plate with you. You can get prorated refund on the plate from MVD, for any credit of the unused period remaining.

Can I buy out the vehicle at some point?

No, we only offer lease to rent not lease to own plans.

Can I buy a vehicle from you?

No, these vehicles are not for sale.

How much do I have to pay today, estimated price/cost?

Roughly $849, here is the itemization (**actuals may vary):

To Us:
$150 - One-time Cleaning Deposit (Refundable as per T&C at the time of return)
$99 -
One-time initiation fee (Refundable with your 6th-month invoice for continuing lease)
$350** - Monthly Leasing fee (Depending on your vehicle listed price)

To Insurance Provider:
$100** -
Monthly Comprehensive Insurance


$150** - One-time MVD Titles, Plate & Registration (Some amount refundable from the state when you surrender your plate after vehicle return)

How much is my recurring monthly bill, estimated price/cost?

Roughly $450, here is the itemization (**actuals may vary):

To Us:
$350** - Monthly Leasing fee (Depending on your vehicle listed price)

To Insurance Provider:
$100** -
Monthly Comprehensive Insurance

Do I need to have AZ Driver's License to rent from you?

No, any valid drivers license will do, state, out of state or international.

Do I need to be AZ resident to rent from you?

No, but we need one local address for correspondence, which could be your hotel address.

Can I drive the vehicle out of country or to Mexico?

Strictly no, it will void the contract.

Can I take the vehicle off-road?

Strictly no, it will void the contract.

Is there any minimum age requirement?

18. Check AZ state rules for latest, as long as you can legally own/lease a car on your name, you can rent from us.

Is there any additional driver fee?

No. But beware of your insurance provider's policy for coverage in case of any incidents.

Any notice period before turning-in the vehicle?

Yes, 14 calendar days, even if your contract is ending soon. You do have option to buy out the full notice period.

What happens after 3 months contract is fulfilled?

If you haven't informed us of return date, it gets automatically extended monthly until you give notice of return in advance of 14 calendar days.

Payment plan, Prepaid or Postpaid?

It's prepaid, you get charged for the coming month in advance. Our billing cycle is from the 1st to the end of the month and invoices are generated every 15th of the month.

Please be prepared for the first bill payment at the time of pickup. Your first bill would be from the day of pickup till the end of the month if the pickup date is before the 15th, otherwise, it will be from the pickup date to the end of the following month. After that, we invoice you every 15th of the month for the consecutive month, and your payment is due before the end of the current month.

What are the fees for pre-mature exiting of the contract?

You are liable to pay the rent for the full 3 months contract period.

What if I want to return the vehicle today without any advance notice?

If there are more than 14 calendar days left for the end of the contract date, then pay the unpaid rent until the contract end date. Otherwise, pay prorated rent for unpaid 14 calendar days.

What insurance do I have to buy to be able to lease the vehicle from you?

Personal auto insurance, with comprehensive, collision and road-side assistance, with less than or equal to $1k deductible.

In case of insurance claim, who is responsible for the deductible?


What happens when the vehicle get into an accident?

You work with your insurance to get it repaired at any auto body shop of your choice. However, please do keep us in the loop.

What happens when the vehicle get totaled by insurance?

No hassle to you. You are only liable to pay your insurance deductible and we work with your insurance company for claiming the total loss value of the vehicle.

How do I book the vehicle I like?

If your vehicle is showing available immediately or from a date, please call us to initiate the booking process.

Who takes care of the mechanical repair and maintenance of the vehicle?

Unless the vehicle needs repair due to misuse or damage caused by you, we cover all manufacturer-recommended mechanical repair and routine maintenance on the vehicle, at no cost to you.

Do you cover body damage?

No, for this you work with your insurance to cover the cost.

Can I drive this vehicle outside the city/state limits?

Yes, anywhere within USA.

What to do when the vehicle breaks down?

Please call us to assess your situation and give further directions. If we don't answer, and it's a mechanical breakdown, please get the vehicle towed to us. Otherwise, if the vehicle has been involved in an accident, work with your insurance provider to decide on the next step.

Who bears the cost of towing?

Generally your insurance provider. Any difference in cost, which is not covered by your insurance, will be born by you.

I am very far away from you and the vehicle broke down. Cost of towing is too high, what to do?

If the cost of towing is too high, instead you can choose to get it repaired at the shop of your choice. Submit the legit itemized bills with payment receipts to us. After reviewing the documents, we will only be able to reimburse you for items we think were required for the repair job and that too our cost of doing the same job.

I can't make my payment on time this month. Are there any late fees?

$25 flat fee, then 10% monthly interest.

I am ready to turn-in the vehicle. How should I inform you?

Text or email from your known contact info on file.

I am ready to return the vehicle. Is there a return checklist?

- Return on or before the agreed upon date
- Gas same level as given at time of pickup
- Clean car as given to you. If required, consider wash, vacuum, or full detail.
- For excess mileage, expect charges in the final settlement invoice.
- Let us know in advance for any damage(s) (includes but not limited to the body, windshield, interior, exterior, wheels, etc) if unfortunately occurred during the lease period. You will need to take care of the damages with your insurance provider prior to returning the vehicle in order to close out the lease.

I had submitted the return notice, now I changed my mind, can I extend the contract further?

Please acquaint us of the situation at the earliest. As long as we haven't already accepted another reservation on the vehicle, we will void the return notice and extend your contract. Otherwise, please plan to return the vehicle on the already agreed upon date.

What happens after I returned the vehicle?

We do a thorough inspection of the vehicle and let you know if there are any findings that need to be settled. You will receive a final settlement invoice from us to cover items required to service & repair to resume the condition of the vehicle back to how you picked it up.

What happens when the vehicle demands repair/service ?

Please let us know of any issue you are noticing with the vehicle. We will guide you on the next step. As long as the required service is not result of damage/accident caused by you, it will be fully covered by us at no cost to you.

What's your SLA for repair? What happens if you go beyond?

Our SLA for repair is 2 full calendar days from the day you towed in the vehicle to us. If it is going to take longer, we will give prorated credits of unused days in your next invoice.

What happens when warning light illuminates on the dashboard?

Please avoid further driving and let us know at the earliest of any warning light shows up on the dashboard. We will let you know on next step.

How do I pay for the invoices, modes of payments supported?

  • With no convenience fee:

  • With 3% convenience fee:
    Debit Card
    Credit Card

Do you offer pickup or delivery option?

No, we don't offer any kind of pickup or delivery option.

Do you provide roadside assistance: Road Hazard, Flat Tire, Jump Start etc?

We don't generally offer any road side assistance. If situation arise and we provide the service, you will be billed separately for it.

Why am I getting billed for the vehicle, I already returned?

Your final settlement invoice will reflect any outstanding charges, if any, including but not limited to the pending monthly lease payment, late fee, cleaning fee, smoking fee, damage fee, parking ticket, traffic violation ticket, vehicle repossession fee, towing fee, etc.

Why I should lease from you? How you are different from traditional dealership?

  • Our prices are unbeatable.

  • Our contract lock-in period is only 3 months, you can't find it lowest anywhere else.

  • All regular maintenance services and wear & tear mechanical repairs are covered.

  • No security deposits, No hidden fees.

I got a crack or chip in the windshield. What next?

Unfortunately, you are responsible for all crack or chipped windshield damage. If covered by insurance, you can contact them. Otherwise, we can advise on who to contact and you can solicit their services to replace the windshield.

What's the process of returning the vehicle?

Comply with the return checklist, drop off the vehicle to us. Take your license plate with you for any refund from state MVD. We will inspect the vehicle and let you know if there are any outstanding in the final settlement. We will send you sign-off confirmation on the lease when all the dues are paid off.

Who keeps the license plate after returning the vehicle?

You own the license plate. Once you return the vehicle, you can login to the MVD AZ website to request a refund on remaining plate credit.

What is initiation fee?

The initiation fee covers your customer account setup with us and all related paperwork; pre-pickup and post-return of the vehicle.

Mileage limit is monthly or cumulative? What happens when I go beyond?

You get 1500 miles per month cumulative. So, for 3 months rental, 4500 is the total mileage covered in the rental cost. There would be overage charge per mile for any excess mileage, as listed on the vehicle pricing online.

Are there any hidden fees?

No, all fees are listed online.

Prices are before tax or after tax?

After tax, all our listed prices are tax inclusive.

Do I need to have good credit score to qualify or be eligible to rent from you?

Yes, otherwise 6 months of proof of employment.

Can I use this vehicle on ride-sharing or delivery platforms?

Strictly no, you can't use this vehicle for ride-sharing or delivery platforms including but not limited to Uber, Lyft, UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub, Postmates, Instacart etc.

Is there any security deposit?


What is cleaning deposit for? Is it fully refundable?

We provide each customer a fully detailed clean car - washed, waxed, shampooed & conditioned seats and floors. The cleaning deposit is to cover all potential cleaning charges when you return the vehicle.
If the vehicle is returned is same clean condition, then the deposit is fully refundable.

My favorite vehicle is showing SOLD OUT, what does it mean?

It's currently out on Long-Term rental with no ETA of next availability.

How long do I have to wait before SOLD OUT becomes AVAILABLE?

No ETA, since our contracts are flexible and only expect 14 calendar days return notice.
As soon we are aware of the return date of any vehicle, we update our website for availability.

Why are you showing temporary closed?

Once any of our inventory becomes available, we will reopen for new clients, otherwise we are only serving existing clients.

Do all vehicles includes a backup camera?

Yes, all of our vehicles include a free backup camera option if not already installed. Just ask during inquiry of the vehicle you are wishing to rent.

Can I smoke inside the vehicle?

All our vehicles comes as non-smoking. Smoking inside the vehicle, will be considered violation and will incur you $250 in fee.

Is there a vehicle available with smoking option?

No, we only have smoke free vehicles in our inventory in order to maintain highest level of the vehicle's condition.

Do you have any SUVs or Minivans or Vans or Trucks?

No, we only offer sedans.

Are all your vehicles listed online? Is the listing status up to date?

We try our best to keep our website up to date. For most, yes all the listing and status is current.