Kindergarten STEM

Color-Changing Candy

Kindergarten science experiment sponsored by Driggs PTA

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What were your results?

Was your guess correct?

What else did you observe?

Which flavor do you like best?

Build A Blanket Fort

Kindergarten engineering challenge.

Share your results on FlipGrid Join Code: 9b72820a.

What did you plan to build?

Show us what you really did make.

What did you use to make your fort?

What did you learn about building a fort?

What is the best way to store bananas? In the sun, on the counter, in the fridge, in the cupboard? Try out different locations with 1 green banana at each place. Take a picture each day and compare how quickly they change from green to yellow to brown-spotted.

Explore States of Matter

Watch this Science Max episode and then make your own OOBLECK.

Here's a recipe to help you get started.