Grades 3 & 4

Have some background in science and research, or just love to help?

Stuck on what to do?

 Check out the Driggs IDEAS page.

Be certain to let us know about your project so we can include you in prizes!

Keeping Notes

District Project notebook K-4: The district notebook walks the student thru their project steps.

Just the Notes (science) and Just the Notes (engineering): Fewer pages and distinguish between science and  engineering projects.

Review the scientific method (or engineering process) before you start your project. Be sure to hit each point.

Check out the Poster Tips before you start your project poster.

The Scientific Method


Find a topic you like. Learn some things about it.

Ask a question.

Make a hypothesis (a best guess).

Do an experiment.

Gather your data.

Draw a conclusion.

Share what you learned at the STEM fair!

Engineering Design Process

Ask and understand.

Think about the world around you and find a problem. Gather information about the problem.


Come up with lots of ideas to solve a problem.

Plan and create.

Make a plan. What materials will you need? Build your design. 

Test and improve.

Put your creation to use. Observe what happens. What new ideas did you get when observing? Rebuild, retest, and improve again.

Prototype (Final Design)

When you have improved your design, tell how to make it.


How does your creation help the problem? What did you learn? What else would you change to make your creation better?

You can get more information from the USEF Science Fair Friday series.

Keep Moving Forward!

Mistakes are an important part of learning. In fact, you'll learn so much more when things don't work the way you planned!