Driftless Naturalist LLC

Connecting people to nature where they live, work and play! 

About Me

Greetings! My name is Sara Holger. I am the daughter of Jackie and Steve. I am the mother of three incredible humans, Sage, Rose and Jack, and the wife of Jon. I am a child of the land we call Minnesota - the ancestral lands of the Dakota. As a child, my second family was Lake Minnetonka and the weeping willows and red-wing blackbirds along her shores. My absolute favorite place in the whole wide world is Lake Pepin on the Mississippi River near Wabasha, Minnesota. I love to lose myself in the sounds of the waves lapping along the shore as I walk with my feet in the water and look for stones and other treasures!

I have been an environmental educator since 1994. I have a degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies from the University of Minnesota, which means absolutely nothing until you combine it with 30 years of experience working in the field. I have been privileged to work for a variety of wonderful organizations including the US Forest Service, Bell Museum of Natural History, Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, Olmsted County Parks, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (divisions of Fisheries and Parks & Trails). I am also the Founder and Program Coordinator of Project Get Outdoors, Inc.

Explore my portfolio to learn more about my experience and skills!

What's in a name? Why Driftless Naturalist?

I live, work and play in the Driftless Area of southeast Minnesota, part of an incredibly diverse and scenic region untouched by recent glaciers. But Driftless also stands for intentional, not drifting. I am on a mission to bring meaningful, transformative nature-based experiences to people where they live. I know where I need to be!

The butterfly in my logo represents the great metamorphosis and change I continue to experience as I do this work and learn and grow with those I serve.

The pencil in my logo represents the children, schools and youth-serving organizations I work with to bring nature-based joy to the lives of our kids and help them develop life-long relationships with the natural world.

It is an honor to be a Driftless Naturalist and to share the joy and wonder of nature with you!


Located in Wabasha, Minnesota

Phone: 507-951-5885

Email: driftlessnaturalistllc@gmail.com

Find me on Facebook at Driftless Naturalist LLC
