Our Staff

The Center is part of the University Writing Program and is directed by Liz Kimball and managed by Janel McCloskey. The center is overseen by Aliyadeth Griffiths, the operations manager (a co-op position). We are staffed by undergraduate and graduate students, along with faculty and professional tutors. With an undergraduate and graduate staff that spans a wide variety of disciplines, the DWC is a place of cross-disciplinary work where readers and writers learn from each other.

Meet the Peer Readers

The Peer Reader program is staffed by undergraduate students from disciplines across the university who are highly trained to help their peers develop as writers. They begin training with a three-credit course that has a dual focus on their development as readers and writers, along with the writing center theory and practice. That dual focus continues throughout their employment in the center through ongoing professional development. In addition to developing an approach that is focused on collaborative learning and a social construction of knowledge, Peer Readers are trained in, and focus on, anti-racist pedagogy in their practice.

Interested in becoming one? Email dwc@drexel.edu for more information on how to apply!

Ellie (she/her)

My name is Ellie, and I'm originally from Virginia. I'm fourth-year Global Studies major with minors in Public Health and Spanish. In my free time, I love to cook, bake, and walk my dog.

Komal (they/them)

Hello :) I'm an English major with a minor in Women and Genders Studies and Writing. This will be my second year with the DWC and I look forward to working with you!

Cassandra (she/they)

A little bit about me is that I'm originally from Jersey and moved to Philly for school. I'm majoring in English with a minor in Psychology. A few of my hobbies are that I love to ride my longboard, collect comic books, cosplay, and watch terrible, awful movies (There is such charm to them). And lastly, my favorite thing to do in my free time is world build for my fictional stories.

Matt (he/him)

Hello! I'm Matt and I am from Brooklyn, NY. I am a junior English major with a Concentration in Writing. When not writing, I like to read, workout, cook, and hang out with friends.

Sebastian (he/him)

My name is Sebastian Morelli-Peyton, I am a third-year product design student here at Drexel. I love to read other people’s work and exploring their ideas and thought processes through writing. Coming from an arts background I would bring the experience of a critique session to any student I work with, hopefully opening them up to new avenues to explore in their writing. I look forward to working with a wide variety of students.

Emma (she/her)

Hi, my name is Emma Hirt and I'm a senior at Drexel majoring in global studies with a concentration in global health, and minors in French, English, and writing. This is my second term at the DWC, and I'm very glad to be back!

Sophia Mattia (she/her)

Hi! My name is Sophia Mattia. I'm a third year English major with a concentration in writing and a minor in communication. I enjoy singing, crystal shopping, mug collecting, and TV show bingeing!

Juliana (she/her)

I'm an Honors Electrical Engineering student in the BS/MS program, minoring in History and Green Energy and Sustainability and pursuing a Certificate in Writing and Publishing. I'm also a Student Ambassador and am involved in SWE, IEEE, and Drexel Newman. I'm from Ridley Park, PA (#delco) and my favorite sub-genre of movies is submarine movies!

Alessandra (she/her)

Hello, my name is Alessandra! I am a second-year student who is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a Certificate in Technical Writing and Publishing. I enjoy helping with interdisciplinary projects and teaching students how blend creativity into their analytical writing. Outside of the center, I am involved with the orchestra, and I enjoy exploring coffee shops around the city.

Sophia Desko (she/her)

Sophia is a senior marketing student at Drexel who is planning to graduate in Winter 2023. In her free time when she is not working at the center, she enjoys reading fantasy novels like A Song of Ice and Fire and watching period dramas like Downton Abbey. Right now, she is rewatching her favorite sitcom, Parks and Recreation, for the sixth time.