Terms of Use

Welcome to Lingopal, a language learning app developed and managed by DrewInnoLabs ("we", "us", or "our"). By accessing or using our app, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (the "Terms"). If you do not agree with all of these Terms, do not use the app.

1. Use of the App

Lingopal provides users with access to language learning tools and resources. You are responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the app through your internet connection are aware of these Terms and comply with them.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

The content, features, functionality, and design elements of this app are and will remain the exclusive property of DrewInnoLabs and its licensors. Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of DrewInnoLabs.

3. User Accounts

When you create an account with us, you must provide us with information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our service.

4. Prohibited Uses

You may use the app only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. You agree not to use the app:

5. Termination

We may terminate or suspend your account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.

6. Limitation of Liability

In no event shall DrewInnoLabs, nor its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from your access to or use of or inability to access or use the app.

7. Changes

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. By continuing to access or use our app after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at drewinnolabs@gmail.com.