7 Signs That You Need Roof Repair ASAP

What is the scariest thing about roof damages? They get worse over time and the roof may collapse all of a sudden! No one likes the idea. Timely repairs are super essential for roof maintenance and they are only possible when you know the signs from above.

Roof structure gives off visible signs before its complete failure. A minor roof leak should be enough to get you going to avoid extensive damages to incoming water. DIY roof repairs are rarely possible as getting on the roof can be too risky. You will need to hire a roof repair contractor.

Let us look at 7 roof repair signs that need to be addressed immediately.

1. Water Leaks

Consider sitting in your living room and a drop of water drips over your head. Isn't that daunting? For those understand that the single drop is indicating a roof leak. A minor roof leak can be repaired effectively provided you hire a roofing company before it gets worse.

Identifying a roof leak is not always easy. Your house attic is mostly the first place to get affected. If you don’t regularly inspect the attic, you may find a worsened roof leak. Frequent leaks may be a call for roof replacement.

2. Excessive Gravel In Roof Gutters

Your home roof may look perfectly alright but gutters get blocked frequently. When you have to clear granules and gravel from your roof gutters every other day, something is wrong.

Most of the traditional buildings have asphalt shingle roofs. When the shingles get older or too damages, the gravel gets loose and starts to accumulate in the roof gutters. The constant wearing of roof shingles is a clear sign that some, if not all, shingles need to be replaced.

3. Dark Patches On The Roof

Roof condition can be assessed by walking around the house perimeter and looking for any of these signs. At times you will need to climb a ladder to observe closely.

Another visible sign is the appearance of dark patches in some parts of the roof. A few degrees darker patches are generally a sign of water retention and moss growth.

If you are observing right after the rain, finding some wet patches is normal in the morning. These patches become a concern when they won't go away after the ground dries.

4. Cracked Shingles

The expected life of an asphalt shingle roof is 15-20 years. Most of the homeowners don’t keep a record of dates but visible signs such as cracked and buckling shingles are a call. At the end of the useful life, asphalt shingles crack.

When a shingle cracks, its adhesion to the underlayment loosens and you may get to see missing shingles over the roof.

Buckling shingles are another harbinger of serious roof damages. A thorough roof inspection by a certified roofing contractor is required to assess the extent of wearing.

5. Roof Sagging

It is one of the most visible roof damages. A sagging roof can be due to various reasons. If a roof is too old, the mere weight of shingles can cause it to sag.

If your house roof has been recently installed and you observe a sagging roof, it may due to poor installation methods.

Another common reason is the weight of snow and ice. If you don’t remove roof snow and let it stay there for many days, the pull of gravity can cause it to sag.

6. Peeling Paint And Water Stains

If your house attic has poor ventilation, humidity levels can build up to an unsafe level. Moisture can cause peeling or blistering of interior and exterior paint.

Discoloration of the appearance of water stains can also be caused by a leaking roof. Replacing your roof seems to be the only solution when the problem doesn’t go away.

7. High Utility Bills

You are putting in your best efforts to reduce electricity consumption in your house but still receiving high utility bills. A damaged roof can be the culprit.

If roof insulation is damaged, your HVAC system will have to work harder to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Hire a reliable roofing repair contractor in San Antonio to fix the issue.

Are solar panels good for the roof?

Solar panels can protect your roof from the sun's harmful rays. ... The solar panels act like a shade tree, reducing the temperature inside the house by as much as 35 percent because the shingles aren't absorbing the sunlight and also keeping the roof safer from falling debris