Weight loss plan for PCOS

The disorder popularly known as a polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by hormone imbalance, irregular menstrual cycles, and the growth of tiny cysts on one or even both ovaries. Approximately 7% of adult women may have this disease.

For people with PCOS, losing weight can be challenging due to the hormonal abnormalities, insulin sensitivity, and inflammation associated with this disorder.

Best Weight Loss Dietician in Delhi will help women with PCOS in managing their weight. Women with even a little weight loss of about 5% can enhance insulin resistance, hormone production, menstrual periods, fertility, and general quality of life.

Here are some useful pointers for PCOS weight loss.

● Decrease Your Carb Intake Because carbs affect insulin levels, reducing your carb intake may help manage PCOS.

● Insulin resistance, which occurs when your cells fail to recognize the actions of the hormone insulin, affects about 70% of women with PCOS.

● The body requires insulin to escalate blood sugar levels and store energy. Research links elevated insulin levels to higher body fat and body weight in the general population and in PCOS women.

● One research followed a 3-week meal of 40% carbohydrates and 45% fat, followed by obese women with PCOS with insulin resistance, followed by a 3-week regimen of 60% carbohydrates and 25% fat. During each phase, a 15% protein intake was used.

● While blood sugar levels were comparable during the two periods of the diet, the lesser, higher-fat phase saw a 30% decrease in insulin levels.

● Additionally, women with PCOS may benefit from a low-glycemic diet. The glycemic index (GI) gauges how rapidly a specific item increases blood sugar levels.

● Consume a lot of fibre

● In women with PCOS, weight loss may be enhanced by a high-fibre diet since fibre keeps you feeling full after meals.

● The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for fibre is 14 grammes per 1,000 calories or around 25 gms per day for women. However, women only consume 15–16 gms even less than that too.

● In one study, women with PCOS who consumed more fibre had lower levels of insulin sensitivity, total fat, and belly fat, but not PCOS-free women.

● Eat Enough Protein enhances the feeling of fullness after meals and helps to maintain blood sugar levels. Best Dietician in New Delhi for Weight Loss will help in achieving the desired weight

● It might also promote weight loss by lowering cravings, increasing calorie expenditure, and controlling hunger hormones.

● In one study, 57 women suffering from PCOS were randomly assigned to receive either a conventional diet with less than 15% proteins and 30% fat or a high-protein diet with more than 40% of calories coming from protein and 30% coming from fat.

● Compared to the control group, the high-protein group's female participants shed almost 4.4 kg in six months.

Read also this blog: Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss According to Dietician