Dr. Bridson Wallace, PT, DPT

Staff Physical Therapist

Specialty Areas: Shoulder, Concussion

Dr. Bridson Wallace is from Malvern PA, and received his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Neumann University. “Growing up I spent a lot of time training in martial arts under the tutelage of my father. He had many students, some of which were highly esteemed physical therapists, who introduced me to the practice. It was fascinating for me to learn the science behind the art I’d practiced for so long. “

Dr. Wallace has unique experience treating complex patient’s recovering from heart failure, following his clinical rotation at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. His interests in rehab include treatment of combat sport related injuries and concussions.

When not caring for his patients, Dr. Wallace enjoys reading, practicing martial arts, hiking, drawing, hanging out in coffee shops and watching tear jerking romantic comedies.

Kinetic Physical Therapy - Chester Springs Staff

Dr. Allison Cardamone

Dr. Nicole Finn

Dr. William Wilcox

Dr. Jared Bonacquisti

Clinic Director

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Phone: 610-424-1100

Why Kinetic?

If you are considering physical therapy, something is motivating you. You may be experiencing pain, dealing with an acute injury, or recovering from surgery. But is that really your whole story? At Kinetic, our focus is that thing that's motivating YOU. We call that YOUR IT, and we want to help YOU get back to IT.

What We Do

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