The DrayTek Syslog utility is a DrayTek specific diagnostic and logging tool designed to record and interpret Syslog messages sent by DrayTek routers and other DrayTek products. Syslog is a simple messaging protocol designed to send human readable messages from network devices to a Syslog daemon (a listening/capturing program) and displayed or logged to a file.

Upon first running, the Windows Firewall may prompt to allow the DrayTek Syslog utility through the Windows software firewall, click "Allow Access" to allow the Syslog utility to receive syslog messages, otherwise the Windows Firewall will drop incoming syslog messages when they are sent by your router.

Draytek Syslog Tool Download

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The DrayTek Syslog utility breaks down Syslog messages into Categories and Sub-Categories that are specific to DrayTek routers, along with many other options to manage the viewer as it's running, these are described in the table below:

The DrayTek Syslog utility displays logs for each category in the main window - up to 500 syslog messages are buffered in the DrayTek Syslog utility while the application is running. Once the buffer is full, new messages received will push older messages out of the buffer and be lost.

Starts saving syslog to multiple files depending on the Save to a file every (x) Hours setting, which will make a new log file every (x) hours. It will record for as long as the Record Time Limit is set to.

If No Record Time Limit is set, it will log until the utility is closed or the Stop button is pressed, the Stop button will appear in the utility when this log saving method is active.

Click OK to start the logging. If the utility is set to Record log to a file in real time or Record log to multiple files, the utility will show a Stop button in place of the Save button icon.

The DrayTek Syslog utility's '.log' files are text files that can be read by any normal text viewer, however when opened using the Log Viewer , the DrayTek Syslog utility sorts these files into the categories and sub-categories that are displayed in the main DrayTek Syslog utility window.

Once loaded, the DrayTek Syslog's Log Viewer breaks down the log file into the categories that are displayed when receiving logs in real-time. To search for specific text in these logs, enter the text to search for in the Keyword entry box and click Refresh:

This will open the Database Searcher window, which has options to select the database file to read from. When a DrayTek Syslog Database '.mdb' file is selected, this will display the router's IP address and the start and end time period that the database has recorded logs for.

Initially, no messages will be displayed and the database must be searched to load messages. Specify the Start Time and End Time dates to the desired time period and click Search Database. This will then query the DrayTek Syslog Database to load the stored messages.

This should only be changed if the router's [Firewall] > [General Setup] > [Default Rule] > [Advance Setting] Codepage value has been changed from its default ANSI(1252)-Latin I setting

The Telnet Read-out facility has the DrayTek Syslog utility connect to the specified router via telnet and perform the specified commands, recording the output into the "Others" category in the utility. This is useful for periodic diagnostics or to periodically perform an action. The connection is made through an unencrypted telnet session and the results are sent through unencrypted syslog messages so it should only be set up to send data locally or through a VPN tunnel.

The network adapter used by the DrayTek Syslog utility may use an adapter with no routers connected to it if your computer has many network adapters. Select the adapter to use from the NIC Description drop down box, this should list the routers connected to that adapter. Click OK to select the correct adapter for Syslog to use.

As you can see we have both ssl vpn users running the vpn client software on their laptops (users: George and Maria) as well as ipsec vpn site to site running various routers (for example the branch office running Zyxel router)

What I would like to do is to feed these syslog files into some utility or software which in turn will come up with a more user friendly graphical report of who connected to our network on March 12 and how much time he stayed connected. Furthrmore I would like on this report to click on the users, which will in turn show that user George connected to our network on March 12, March 15 and March 17. Hos anyone of you ever come up with any sort of software or utility that can produce such reports? Would it be possible to use Excel to do the reporting and how can it be configures. Thank you very much and best regards from Greece

Simple tool to roll through your Draytek Vigor 3900 logs looking for VPN/SSLTunnel UP/DOWN messages, and output a list of the users who logged in, when they logged in, and how long they were logged...

Alternatively, you can just grep the syslog files you already have for [H2L]. We also have a free grep tool for windows here that maintains your log file structure (keeps log file headers & writes multiple files):

Home networks are becoming increasingly complex. It is no longer just geeks and techies who have pervasive WiFi through-out their home to which a myriad of devices connect and communicate. When things go wrong or, worse still, the network is compromised by rouge hardware or software it's extremely difficult to work out what has happened and where to start troubleshooting the issue.

At the core of my solution is a router that supports writing Syslog messages to a Syslog server. While once a rarity, this functionality is becoming increasingly prevalent in home / SOHO routers. Personally I use a DrayTek Vigor 2830, a versatile and - most importantly - extremely reliable router that can be purchased for just over 100 in the UK.

Now we have a router that is sending connectivity information via Syslog, we need a service running on a server that is capable of receiving these messages. For this I am using Elastic's Logstash to receive the syslog messages and enrich them before forwarding them to an indexed store.

Logstash is an extremely versatile tool capable of consuming data from a variety of sources. A configuration file is used to set up a pipeline of inputs, operations (known as filters) and outputs which can do some truly fantastic things. If you're new to Logstash it might be worthwhile giving the ("Getting Started")[ -started-with-logstash.html] guide a quick read.

To start with, we'll get Logstash to simply accept Syslog input from a given port and write it to the console. To do this, simply download Logstash and extract it to a directory on the PC. Next, open notepad and copy paste the following:

Now we're able to receive Syslog messages, we need to store and index them. For this, we will use ElasticSearch. Simply download ElasticSearch, extract it to a directory and start it. If necessary you can change the directory used to store ElasticSearch data or the interface/port on which ElasticSearch listens for incomming connections by modifying the config\ElasticSearch.yml file. Modifying this file is pretty straight forward but for help the ElasticSearch documentation is available online and very thorough.

Additionally, rather than having to manually start ElasticSearch everytime you want to use it, you can easily install it as a Windows service simply - as I have done - by issuing the following commands from a command prompt:

ElasticSearch should no be running. You can check this calling REST methods on ElasticSearch's web interface; by default on port 9200. In a browser, simple enter http://[server-ip]:9200 and you should see something like the following:

NOTE: You will be using the REST API extensively in future steps so I suggest finding a toolset that make querying and posting to REST endpoints easier. I use the excellent Postman Chrome application.

With ElasticSearch running, we now need to modify Logstash to forward Syslog messages to ElasticSearch for indexing. As both tools are part of the Elastic Stack, this is every bit as easy as you might expect it to be. Simply open the syslog.config file we created earler and change it to the following:

Now we have syslog messages in a central store, we will look how to set up a simple (for now) dashboard that lets us see a minimally useful feature: the number of Syslog messages being received over time.

In order to do this, we will be using ElasticSearch's Kibana tool to query messages from ElasticSearch and display a histogram of messages on a dashboard. To get started, simply download and extract Kibana to a directory on the server. Kibana comes with a default configuration that allows it to run correctly when co-located on the same server as ElasticSearch. If you are not running Kibana on the same server as ElasticSearch, you will need to modify the Kibana configuration file as described in the documentation.

This screen allows you to add an index to Kibana that it can query messages in order to discover, visualise and ultimately produce a dashboard from information stored in the index. It is currently set to examine an index called logstash-* and shows a disable button at the bottom of the screen containing the text 'Unable to fetch mapping. Do you have indices matching the pattern' as we do not have a logstash index stored in ElasticSearch. We want Kibana to query our Syslog index so we change the 'Index name or pattern' to Syslog-* and, shortly after changing this value, we should see the button at the bottom change to 'Create' as shown here: 152ee80cbc

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