I need to buy a mouse so that I can pan/rotate while drawing a line without closing it? I have managed to do everything else so far, but working on large models it is hard to work both ends of the model without orbiting or panning and the focal point when zooming is largely unpredictable.

I got a problem with viewing and doing anything with my Sketchup.

I use basic Sketchup 2017 on my Mac computer. Using Sketchup for years but I have to apologise for not using the correct Sketchup language.

I contacted Apple but they could not help me.

The problem starts out of nowhere and with about every second drawing. When I orbit to look around the drawing, it disappears. When I click standard views I can not see the drawing. I would need to use orbit very, very carefully to see the drawing but it will disappear again and again.

In order to continue the drawing I would need to save and close the drawing. Open it again, do not touch the drawing, copy the drawing and paste to a new drawing.

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Hello !

Thank you for the answer. I use the perspective view. Do not like the parallel. I see it more like a issue with orbiting. Too much up or down or left or right, than the drawing disappears.

That issue does not occur on all drawings. The current one I am working on does not have it but it can happen any time or not happen at all.

No. When I click on zoom extends the drawing disappears. Everything is close to axe crossing. I extended the zoom with the mouse wheel and tried to mark and delete everything if anything is there but I can not see it. Still the same issue

Hi !

As a matter of fact , there is one 2D drawing with text !!

I have a 3D model and 2D one with text. I experienced issues with vanishing leaders before, depending on the viewing angle, but that was not to the point that I could not work on the drawing.

At SketchUp, we love 3D visualizations and the energy that comes from presenting 3D renderings or zooming around a SketchUp model live with a client. Where 3D is the universal language for concept design and easy collaboration, clear, information-rich documentation is where the hype and the vision officially begin the transition to reality. This quick primer will give you the basics for getting into LayOut, tips to optimize your SketchUp model and streamline the documentation process, and a brief guide for creating a plan drawing sheet using LayOut.

Styles dictate how your model looks. Do you want to see materials, shaded objects, or all grayscale linework? Use styles to define the appearance of edges, section fills, colors, and materials. SketchUp provides a wide array of default styles to meet the goals of your drawings. Style choices are preserved scene by scene. Once you define a style and save a scene, your model will revert back to that style each time you navigate back to that scene.

Use the SketchUp Model menu within LayOut to manage some of the most important drawing and viewport settings, including the view of the model (Scene) and the drawing scale. Scene and scale can both be defined using the dropdowns in this menu.

I do all my construction drawings in Layout 2021.1. I use a series of scenes from sketchup that I bring to LO. I use paralell projection (Isometric for 3d views so that I can control scaling. That scheme seems to work fine because the views (scenes) I use are of smaller sections.

Below are my Tags (layers) for casework/cabinetry. Using Tags (turn visibility ON or OFF) I can show a front view with or without doors and drawers (tag Faces). Using Styles you can fyrther refine the look of your drawing.

Hi Keith, this is a great shop drawing. How did you produce the exploded view of the hood in the top right? Did you manually create a different version of the file with the parts moved away from each other or do you have a plugin you like which does that for you?


Yes, that works well if we want the entire drawing.

We have a drawing with about 20 pieces. We would like to put just one of those pieces into the new drawing.

I can insert the old drawing into the new and then delete all the old parts except the one needed, but that is very time consuming.

Is there a way to share components between drawings in sketchupforschools?

SketchUp works best at a bigger scale than that. You can still draw your LED, but draw it much bigger. Try drawing in m instead of mm. The more segments in your arcs, the smaller each edge is. At 1000x scale, you should be able to use the number of segments you want. Vertices closer than about 1/1000 inch get merged together in SketchUp.

Hi, I am having trouble scaling the drawing down. I have managed to make an LED and a mount (using all the sizes as m). I have joined the two groups together and now want to scale them.

When I select the drawing and suggest a scale factor of .0001 - I am told it is an invalid scale.

If you want to draw it in LayOut directly, select Scaled Drawing, Select the scale in the Scaled Drawing panel, get the Line tool and start drawing the outline of the beam. Enter the real world dimensions. They will appear on the page at the 1:10 scale you selected. When you add the dimensioning, make sure Auto Scale is enabled in the Dimension Style panel.

How can I assign the same line, solid, etc., to two tags?! Or, if it is not possible, how I can draw two identical line, one for each tags?! When I try to do this, sketchup do not draw the second line and it says that it is on the hide layer, and when I unhide the hide layer, my line was not draw!

Hi I have pro which i am new to and want to know if it is possible and if so how to make a 3d drawing into a tradition architectural drawing ie front, end plan elevtion drawing.

Can it also show all the dimensions without having to add manually?

Also can it give a cut list

if so how would i go about achieving that?

Many thx


I have created 5 drawings and imported them onto one file but every time i try to erase small areas of this new drawing it wipes out other areas as well, been googling this for 2 hours, no idea what else to do.

What I have done is draw 5 different components in 5 seperate files and then imported the 5 seperate drawings into one new file. The components were stacked together to create a form. I noticed there were little areas (dots and lines) where I had not erased in the initial 5 drawing stage, if i try and delete a small line or dash I lose ALL of that drawing not just the intended mark.

I am tracing an AUTOCAD file and the building is very complex- great way to start with sketchup! I am just trying to draw some walls with the rectangle toolin top view but the lines are jumping around to different planes I cant figure out why, I moved my drawing to align with the axis but it keeps happening

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My imported dxf in coming in at 3x the size of the original? Hopefully the picture is clear below. The 90" should be 30". Is there a way to have it import to a certain scale or is there a way to use the scale tool to evenly scale my imported dxf drawing?

This error is where when drawing a line to connect to another pair of intersecting lines to form a surface, the point at which my ne wlight connects appears to not connect properly forming microscopic (1-2 pixel) gap preventing the forming of a surface where one should be formed otherwise. I call this gap microscopic becasue it is so small as to be invisible on the screen. so at first glane everything looks like the triangle is complete and a surface should be formed, but no surface is formed. Sometimes, only sometimes, I am able to zoom in to find the micro-gap and I am able to force sketchup to fix it, but only half of the time. Other times the gap seams to be so small that I can not zoom in close enough to see it. When I try I end up zooming past the intersection point all together and it vanishes from my view. This situation is completely inexcusable and intollerable. It causes a complete halt in model development when I end up with a hole that by all rights should not exist.

This error is where when drawing a line to connect to another pair of intersecting lines to form a surface, the point at which my ne wlight connects appears to not connect properly forming microscopic (1-2 pixel) gap

The part I am working with is huge, over 100 feet long, 100 feet wide and 6 inches thick, at most things should only be happening at 1/4 inch levels. So if the new line is stipp 1/1000 of an inch short of where its supposed to, thats on sketchup not me.

It depends on what you need out of the model. I find the drawing tools easier to use in SketchUp but if you have no plan to utilize the 3D model space you might find it easier to just do all your work in LayOut. 006ab0faaa

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