[ Privacy Policy ]

Effective Date: [ Monday, 29 January 2024 AT 10:45 ]

Developer : DrawDev | Email : drawdevpro@gmail.com

Welcome to DrawDev! We are committed to protecting the privacy of all users of our applications available through our Google Play account.

This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we may collect, as well as how we use and safeguard that information.

Before using our products or services, providing your personal information to us, or allowing us to collect your personal information, please read this Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal information and access it frequently to understand the updates to this Policy.

If we update this Policy, we will notify you by announcements on the product or website to let you know about the changes we made.

Data Collection

All apps from DrawDev available on our Google Play account do not collect confidential user data. The only data we collect pertains to device info, such as the device model, manufacturer, and SDK version.

This data is utilized to detect crashes and app performance issues. We do not collect personal information like email addresses, names, or addresses. Additionally, we have integrated the Google Firebase platform, which collects data necessary for its operation.

Firebase Terms of Service

Our app integrates Firebase Crashlytics (version 18.6.1), a real-time crash reporting tool that enhances app stability and reliability. This tool is key to improving user experience by tracking and addressing stability issues.

Data collected by third-party SDK

The third-party SDK we use:

These SDKs may collect your data, including Google advertising ID, advertising data (advertisement display, clicks, etc.), data used to combat fraud, cookies, device-related data (device model, region, language, etc.)

Required Permissions

Purpose: Enables the app to extract and save apps as APK files and generate text files containing detailed device information. This functionality is crucial for backing up applications and exporting device data.

Purpose: Allows the app to load and search all APK files on the device's storage. It's also used for cleaning up empty folders and files, as well as removing duplicate files like images, videos, documents, and audio. This permission is crucial for maintaining storage efficiency and organization.

Purpose: Similar to READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, this permission lets the app load and search APK files on device storage, clean empty folders and files, and remove duplicate files. This is essential for comprehensive storage management and optimization on devices running older SDK versions.

This permission is used to test the vibration functionality of the device. It allows the app to trigger the device's vibration mechanism, enabling us to verify if the vibration feature is functioning properly. This is an essential diagnostic tool to ensure the hardware's vibratory feedback is operational.

Google Advertising ID, which is used for tracking and advertising purposes.

This permission is utilized to enable users to uninstall applications directly from within our app. It applies specifically to apps that users have installed themselves, excluding system applications. By granting this permission, our app can facilitate a smoother and more efficient process for users to manage and remove their installed apps, enhancing the overall user experience in app management 

This permission is used to facilitate the installation of APK files that users download from various sources outside of the Google Play Store. It allows the app to initiate the installation process of these APKs, providing users with the flexibility to install apps from their preferred sources. This feature is particularly useful for managing app installations in a controlled and user-friendly manner 

Contact Us

If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us It is important to note that this Policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties. 

email: drawdevpro@gmail.com

We encourage you to carefully review the privacy policies of any Third Parties you access before submitting any personal information.