I am refurbishing very old models and try to add PBR materials to them. These models are usually buildings. Lot of straight rectangle polys. When they were created the polygon count was an issue so lot of things were simply drawn on the texture without extra polygons. So for example windows were simply was drawn on the facade of the building, they were not extruded or beveled to a poly. So in the materials I have to mask out the windows (glass).

One solution would be to create a mask by color (add mask > add mask with color selection). Usually, it is made for an ID map, but you can perfectly add any map that seems to have a delimitation of your windows.

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Thanks a bunch! This helps really a lot. It will not solve all my issue but for simpler "objects" it does what is needed. More complex or scattered objects will be generated in photoshop. Sometimes I have luck and I have the source pdf where the object is separated as a layer, it makes it easy to create png mask out of it.

I just want to draw simple 2D objects like circle, line, square etc in C#. How do I do that? Back in the Turbo C++ days I remember initializing some graphics library for doing the same. Do I need to do something similar in .NET? Is it any different for 3D objects? Will things like DirectX make this any easier? Any links to tutorials or samples much appreciated.

How you do it depends slightly on what you want to draw on. You can draw on a control or a form, or you can draw on an image object. Either way, you need a System.Drawing.Graphics object which I believe is located in System.Drawing.dll.

You can instantiate a new Bitmap class and call Graphics.FromImage(myImage), and then draw using the methods on the Graphics object you just created. If you want to draw on a form or control just override the OnPaint method and look for the Graphics property on the EventArgs class.

Blind contour drawing involves looking only at your subject, not your paper, and keeping one continuous line on the page. The results are distorted and yet precise, emotional, and very beautiful. I love how it brings me very forcefully into the present moment as I slowly move my pen across the edge of my subject.

I love this! I do art journaling all the time to calm down during anxiety and sometimes , having to come up with a PLAN or an IDEA of what to draw can be overwhelming. Just being able to do some repetition like circles or lines while still being creative is such a great idea.

Hola Amy. Thank you very much for sharing so beautiful ideas. I work as a volunteer in the women prison in Bogot, Colombia, and I am happy to have found some new activities to make them calm and relaxed.


So you have drawing individual flowers down, which is amazing! You may want to create floral banners or bouquets in your bullet journal spreads. While the concepts of drawing the flowers are relatively similar, there are some key differences in how to lay out the flower doodles next to each other.


I need to draw a tree, and constantly using dotty and including the PNGs is starting to be a pain. Is there a way to get LaTeX to draw it's own trees that doesn't involve learning an entirely new language like TikZ?

While I'd normally second Will Robertson's comment, since TikZ is fantastic and worth learning, I think TikZ's overkill for this situation. I personally find its tree specification syntax bulkier than necessary. My preferred tool for the job is the qtree package (which is on CTAN, too, and is apparently included in both TeX Live and MikTeX). The package is really simple to use. Consider the following TeX:

That's all it takes! And what's great about it is that the TeX description reads like the tree. I can glance at the TeX, and I instantly know what the created tree is going to look like. The basic syntax is simply [.node-name subtrees... ]; \qroof, which draws the triangle, requires its node name at the end, instead. The \1 is just a shortcut for a math-mode prime. In addition, qtree will always render _ and ^ as sub- and super-scripts, too. (Unless you turn this off.)

In general, you can provide node names at the beginning ([.+ 1 [.* 2 3 ]]) or the end ([ 1 [ 2 3 ].* ].+); you can even provide node names in both places, but then they must match (unsurprisingly). This, incidentally, is why \qroof takes its node name the way it does. You can even leave the node name off entirely to get a node with a smooth join. If any of this is unclear, check out the manual.

Now, qtree as-is has one downside, which is that it is designed for simple trees. It does offer limited support for changing inter-node spacing, framing parts of trees, and things like that, but it's not capable of doing anything incredibly fancy. But luckily, if you want that, you can still get it: enter tikz-qtree. This package allows you to leverage the full power of TikZ to draw your trees. The two obvious features are: (a) instead of text, the labels in a tree can be arbitrary \nodes; and (b) you can redefine how it draws the edges to get arrows, dashed lines, curving edges, and so on. But it's more powerful than just this: if you embed a \Tree into a TikZ picture, you can do whatever you want with the nodes, such as circle them, draw arrows between them for a transformation, etc.

Maybe you don't need this power now, but the take-home message is that using qtree won't lock you in to the simple trees. If you decide that you want the more powerful trees, all you need to do is change one import; everything will keep working the way it did, but you get more power, too. I'm not sure if tikz-qtree this actually uses qtree under the hood or not, but either way, all the syntax for qtree still works, and the output is identical, at least as far as I can tell.

I am going to put in a plea on behalf of forest. Although forest is extremely flexible and powerful, it can also be used very simply. Like qtree, it uses a simple, concise syntax which 'reads like a tree' but I found forest's syntax a bit easier to learn. (However, this may be because I learnt qtree first.) Like tikz-qtree, it gives you all the power of TikZ but, unlike qtree, you do not have to change packages in order to use that power as forest is already using TikZ underneath. Moreover, in addition to all the power of TikZ, you have all the power of forest itself. And that is very significant: powerful, specialised support for drawing trees of all kinds, manually, automatically and/or dynamically. Take a look at examples on this site for a sense of the possibilities.

This answer consists of two parts. The first part applies to the current version of forest (version 2). The second, which consists of my original answer, applies to the earlier version of forest (version 1). The changes are not great but, if you are new to the package, you will find it easier to follow if you read the section which applies to the version you are using without modifications.

The rest of the tree consists of one or more smaller trees. These are subtrees of the root node. In this case, we have 2 subtrees so we start with the root of each subtree and add each of them in its own pair of square brackets.

Even simple logicians' and linguists' trees probably need a little styling in order to look right. In particular, trees typically have branches which start from a common point beneath the parent node and extend to a point above the child. Although this is not default, we can implement it by saying

What do alien heads look like?. You can draw a few of your own. They only take a few seconds to complete. Perhaps add some ears and a splash of color to bring your vision of the space beings to life.

Hand signals, or hands in general. Draw this or any aspect of the human body you might please. You could start with a simple hand gesture and add different parts of the human body when you have time.

Surely, every sketchbook needs a smiley face on a skateboard. Or a sad moon on a skateboard could look awesome too. Draw easy shapes and merge them with the activities you love. The smiley face could be on a surfboard too. Simple things make for fun images.

Looking for fun stuff to doodle while on vacation. Take inspiration from these simple vacation inspired pictures to draw what you see. Carry your journal and a pencil with you to capture every moment.

To prove that cool things can be drawn by a bored beginner too, Take a look at this image you can draw by artist Matthew Zaremba. He uses simple straight lines that lead towards a doorway. Grab your pencil, a ruler and sketchbook to recreate this easy and detailed image.

Some people draw birds and others draw portraits of faces. The exciting thing about drawing is that you can pretty much draw anything your mind can imagine. Making the possibilities of cool things to draw endless.

Simple drawings and minimal art is often overlooked. There is a whole niche of artists making some awesome minimalistic drawings and garnering fame from them. Notable artists like Shantell Martin and Matthew Zaremba showcased above, have taken their style of simple drawings and built a following from them. Why not turn your boredom into quick, easy artworks that even Jackson Pollock would commend.

Easy to follow, free, step-by-step instructions on how to draw animals, plants, and popular cartoon characters. Great drawing ideas and easy drawing tutorials. Anyone can create great looking drawings!

I can draw lines in Inkscape (with Bezier tool or freehand line tool), but they appear as path objects and when I save it, in the svg file they are also appear as path. My question is: How can I draw and save lines as line and not as path with Inkscape?

In Inkscape lines, or shapes (except for rectangles**), are generally constructed using the concept of vector paths, to which fills and strokes are applied. That's how the software works. There's no Line Segment Tool in Inkscape, like the one in Illustrator. 152ee80cbc

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